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Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: The world stands on three things—on justice (דין), on truth (אמת), and on peace (שלום), as it is said,

Truth, justice, and peace judge in your gates.[1]

In a world where justice prevails, the love between individuals is nurtured, creating a harmonious society…

“Remember children, Ashrei Yoshvei Veisecha (Fortunate are those who live in the house of G-d) is one of the most important daily prayers. Significant is the sentence stating, poseach es yodekha u’masbiah l'chol chai ratzon (you open your hand, and supply all living things with sustenance) - teaching us to help others, and to give charity. If we say this prayer three times a day, we are assured of a place in Olam Habah (the world to come).” - Rabbi Yehuda Chaim Alperovitch

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  1. ^ Zechariah 8:16.