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Mobmentiarism is a partial-anarchistic public system; which is mainly maintained by its public belief in riots, public freedom and individual rights, moral laws, and public unity. [1] The system coincides with Anarchism, yet serves as a minor system basis which the public follows a shared ideology rather than a government promoted objectives or tactics, thus mobmentiarism seeks to prevent or destroy Totalitarianism, Dictatorships, oppressive Capitalism, and leaders, which may or may not share views of the general public.

Such a radical form of a partial system promotes the destruction of oppressive systems and allows public revolutions and antiestablishmentarianism. Riots are considered traditional by this semi-solid system, also the basic principals of the simple laws of the Bible (albeit some removed due to the contradictions to the systems views or itself).

The system includes the right to steal from those that are figured to be oppressive against the public, and also provides to those who wish to up hold this ideal. Yet, mobmentiarism supports assisting those which are in need, such as those in poverty, tragedy, or loss. Majorly, the mobmentiarism system does not have additional laws, and only supports three main laws, which are meant not to contradict each other (scene mobmentiarist are against laws and lawyers, judges, and judicial system which they feel oppresses individual rights.) They are as follows:

  1. People can do what they want, the only laws are of the of that of the Ten Commandments of the Bible, all but the fifth, seventh, and eighth, and, thus there will be seven laws.
  2. Give to those who need, and repossess from those with greed. [2]
  3. No system may be oppressive, governments will do nothing but what they are told from the public, and the public agrees on things as a whole. There will be no leaders.
— the Mobmentiarism Idealization, Section One[3]

  1. ^ "public", according to mobmentiarism definition, referring to no differentiation between a 'patrician' government/system and the classic 'plebeian' view, thus a one class-system. Government officials are considered "servants of the public", nothing more.
  2. ^ By mobmentiarism definition, "those in need" are people which cannot sustain themselves or their companions and loved ones, whether or not in oppression or freedom, and must be assisted; "those of greed" are people of wealth, or who can sustain themselves and also have the resources to sustain others, yet 'independently choose' to ignore those of 'need' when it is in there power to do so; 'Greed', per see, does not refer to those who are 'wealthy', since wealth is not a crime, yet the act of 'greed' and 'ignorance' is. Mobmentiarist are not against an individual producing large substance for substantiating, as long as those who are 'needy' are provided and taken care for.
  3. ^ Wikipedia (the Mobmentiarism Idealization), Section One


Riot mobs like this are promoted in a Mobmentiarism movement, with the objective of overthrowing the oppressive government.

First proposed and written by J. Edgar Addams, in his book, the Mobmentiarism Idealization, in 1905. For unknown reasons, almost all copies had been lost or destroyed since then, probably due to its limited release. Very little is known about J. Edgar Addams, since he never published another book.

Mobmentiarism is no more a political ideology than it is a public ideology, more however, the systems of politics are considered by mobmentiarism to favor 'politicians', or public servants. A mobmentiarism system also promotes separate divisions of government, to lessen the possibility of oppression of the system due to the systems ubiquitousness. Mobmentiarism encourages riots and/or protests, believing that if riots, protests, and opposition to the current system/government occur, the system is oppressive to the public, and that it is necessary to abolish it.

Mobmentiarism does allow certain other ideologies. mobmentiarism promotes most aspects of Geniocracy, yet according to its main standards, does not let these high professionals or intellectuals to take over the system, rather advise it. Democracy aspects are similar, yet pertaining more to the anti-government movement, rather than full-scale organization of senate, congress, parliament, and other similar offices.

A mobmentiarism riot can continue even until the oppressive system has been deposed. The remains can be cleaned by the Public.

Ochlocracy has similar aspects to mobmentiarism, yet mobmentiarism is considered to be more as "anarchy with a little order", since the system may be maintained by mobs and riot groups, there is still a way of life for those in a mobmentiarism system, which allows the people to work and focus together on an objective or goal. This concept is meant to oppose oppressive governments or governments with a substantial amount of public sway, much like Anarchy. Effectively, mobmentiarism promotes intelligent or revolution with a goal, such as Smart mob behavior.

Mobmentiarism can be most considered close to the French Revolution and the Rise of Rome, both for there opposition to oppressive government systems and totalitarian empires. Whereas to mobmentiarism views see as revolutions as such to be successful, outcome may be different. Both aspects of revolutions eventually lead to different systems and governments where

The Mobmentiarism Idealization


Is the basic ideas of the Mobmentiarism concept, they can be excepted or not by the public of which it addresses.

The Mobmentiarism Idealization

Chapter 1, Part I:

History has shown that after series of revolutions, rebellions by the people, or the classic 'plebeian' public should become part of a system itself. Anarchism is a natural state of revolutions, yet can hardly lead to permanent solutions. The new concept of Mobmentiarism promotes anarchy, yet also can allow a minor system to assist those who are in need. Oppressive governments and system have all but been to common, the Mobmentiarism Idealization is shared by people by their choice as to topple the oppressive system, and replace it by a partial system which is servant to the public only, and not 'vice versa', of which allows public freedom under a unified people or public system which no government exist, or no social class differentiation.

The government exists only as a group of voluntary servants which only the people command; and the servants do not advise the public, which can lead to corruption. Order is the sense of the word is control, control of people, which ultimately is what revolutionist seek to destroy. The people look after other as a whole, without greed nor corruption.

Chapter 1, Part II:

Law enforcers do not exist in the sense of where they are separate from the public, each person can obey the three laws of the system, in which each person does there own part to uphold them. Those committing acts against the laws can be stopped by the people around them, for every individual has the right to uphold the law in there own way. The courts will be made out of juries only, made out of the public, as lawyers will not exist for either sides of the the law. More laws and branches end up leading to unending complexion. Everyone has the right to prove their innocence.

Armies are the same, they do not exist in the sense of where they are separate from the public, each person can defend the lands of which they possess themselves or receive assistance from others.

Businesses is free to all the public, yet oppressive companies or larger organization of production which oppress and deceive the public, can be revolted against.

Chapter 2, Part I:

The laws of a Mobmentiarism are yet the definition of the whole system and ideology, as the meanings to different aspects of the mobmentiarism life. People under oppressive governments are subjected to laws of which may or not be towards the interest of the public, but rather the interest of those with greed and control from power in their objectives. The people can be vulnerable to laws which can lead to complex situations of can lead to dramatic and unstelling consequences. The laws which are those which should be used are that of

These are original concepts which may or may not be accepted by the people, yet the message remains, that all people continue to work for a better system and human freedom. These laws, however, are part of the mobmentiarism concept and are permanent within that system, only enforced by moral rights of that of the people:

  • First law, People can do what they want, the only laws are of the of that of the Ten commandments of the Bible, all but the fifth, seventh, and eighth, and, thus there will be seven laws.
  • Second law, Give to those who need, and repossess from those with greed.
  • Third law, No system may be oppressive, governments will do nothing but what they are told from the public, and the public agrees on things as a whole. There will be no leaders.

Chapter 2, Part II:

All other areas of life and the public group which have chosen mobmentiarism can expand their lives based on these laws, as they are made to be the basic principals which a made for moral life. These laws cannot be changed, only to as where the people decide a new form of life and system. Mobmentiarism is optional to the public, it can be replaced whenever the public decides.

— the Mobmentiarism Idealization, Section One[1]



Police and army ideals

Whereas riots are considered destructive, Mobmentiarism rather focuses on bringing down specific oppressive systems or entities.

Police do not exist in the sense of where they are separate from the public, each person can obey the three laws of the system, in which each person does there own part. Those committing acts against the laws can be stopped by those around them, for every individual has the right to uphold the law in there own way, a.k.a. Citizen's arrest.

Armies are the taken in the same context. They do not exist in the sense of where they are separate from the public, each person can defend the lands of which they possess themselves or receive assistance from others. When the the public or 'country of the public' may face a threat against itself, citizens have the full right to organize independently and fight to protect their land and country against offensive entities. No person is forced to join into an organization, and they are not hired to control the public from their freedoms, such organizations are forced to disband and the leaders of the organization responsible for the acts and charged for crimes against human rights, and punished.



Mobmentiarism allows the freedom of worship in one's way, however, religion does not relate nor interfere with the system, with one exception being the seven main laws related to the Ten Commandments which, in form, are mostly used by Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other minor Abrahamic religions. All forms of religion are allowed, and are considered not to be controversial or a subject when it comes to the system. In point, the issue of religion does not interfere with the government.

The only relation of religion to that of Mobmentiarism, is that religion not be the cause of unrest, in views of the root cause being a dilemma to human rights in the end. Religion is considered to be a topic which is not to inferred by the government or public, but rest only entirely with the individual.



Mobmentiarism demands "premium health care" for the individual as funded through the taxes, in short, Universal health care. No company, organization, or government, should deny there worker or unrelated individual the "right for their free and unrestrained access to health care". Such entities that do so, are dissolved, and the people responsible for the denial of the right of health care are charged for the crime and punished. The public can vote on new methods than can improve the health system to make it better for the patient and doctors, but the patients over all. The new methods are only approved by the patients than have being treated with the new method. and approve it individually of their own free will.



After an previous oppressive government has been toppled or dismantled, self-reconstruction can occur. Looting is only promoted against oppressive companies or businesses with tendencies of greed, in other words, those who in the past or currently have denied their claimed services to the people. Postmodernism is promoted so that improvisation in the latter. [2] When a bussiness has been labeled by the people as oppressing human, individual and workers rights to any one or any employee, then the officials or owner that are responsible for this are detained and charged, the company or business is dismantled, and the assets or profits are evenly distributed though out the oppressed workers and their families.

Work ethics


The worker, employed by a legitimate business approved by the public, are always put above profits and importance, as the companies main goal is to benefit the people and workers. No company or business can abuse or oppress on a person or workers rights as an individual or as an employee, and if the public does not approve of the the business or company, it can be shut down or dismantled.



Education can be provided by the public owned government and the expenses are payed though taxes, yet the education is entirely optional. College and university education is free, and is payed by the government though taxes, and is also completely optional. In short, all education is free and provided for, in the best maximum standards.



An individual may always have the right to own, purchase, and defend their property. No area of land can be own by the government, as all land that is part of the country with a Mobmentiarism society is accessible to the public at all times, unless the owner of the property states that he or she does not want people on his or her land. Organizations that own property cannot affiliate or conspire with the government, as the government cannot own its own land, unless designated by the public, the same is said with people in their relation with the government: no affiliation or conspiracy with the government.


  1. ^ Wikipedia (the Mobmentiarism Idealization), Section One
  2. ^ Improvisation by mobmentiarist definitions is considered to need improvement for the better towards the people and itself, where profits are forwarded to the workers and the people, excluding business owners, reason being that owners may amass large enough sums of money to persuade certain people to do actions against the Public in their human rights.