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Dost Thou find it interesting that Thy Town was the Capital/Centre of the Bulgarian Empire in 1072? ;) --HolyRomanEmperor 12:50, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hehe, my ex-girlfriend used to tease me a lot like that. :)))))She was Bulgarian. Times change indeed. Ilir pz 20:08, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Personal Attacks


Look Ilir pz, I'm not doing any personal attacks. I'm a Montenegrin Nationalist, not a Serb nationalist. I'm not a Serb but a Montenegrin. I'm also partially Albanian (Not sure exactly how much I am Albanian. My father's side of the family was originally from Albania but went to Montenegro for some strange reason and changed they're last name completely, but I keep my Albanian heritage and pride to a good level. I have pride in my Albanian Heritage. And for that I'm thankful) Also, Hipi Zhdripi was being racist to HRE. Look at how much trouble he gave HRE. Look, I'm not on anyone's side, not even on HRE's. OK. You'll even see. If you find a way to prove me wrong, than I'm an idiot in getting involved in this. We both are Shqiptarë, so I don't see any point in getting into fights, especially with you or Hipi Zhripi. Also, if Hipi Zhdripi is calling HRE a Serb nationalist, well he's not. He's actually a Croatian-born Montenegrin who only lives in Belgrade. That's why he seems such a Serb Nationalist, that and because he has access to city records and country history, so he's using Serbian sources in the Kosovo article. I know he should be using Albanian sources as well, but how is he going to find them? Now both Serbs and Albanians have different point of views. (Note: I'd rather go with the Albanian Point of View.) I believe the Albanians more, rather than believing the Serbs. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 20:43, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also, not to offend Serbs or anything, but I kind of hate Serbia due to it's history on what they've done to Montenegro and they're conquering of Montenegro. I'm really a Montenegro-fanatic, as you can see. I would really like Montenegrin independence, just as well as you do. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 21:01, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
What to say about Kosovo Albanians then? How many tens of thousands of Montenegrins did Serbs kill? and you have this hatred. Imagine what should we (Kosovo Albanians) feel?! Instead, I personally do not hate anyone, as I believe there are good Serbs out there (and I have met many). Whatever Serbian govt or Serb nationalists says about Kosovo is something I ignore very well, and do not give a damn. Kosovo will be independent, no matter what the sick nationalists think. D'you support independence of Kosovo then? Ilir pz 21:09, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the correction, Telex. Crnagora, I apologize if that sounded offensive to you, but I still would suggest you tolerate people a bit more. One can have a strange way of explaining things, or problems with language, that doesn't justify you calling them racists. I wrote remarks to Hipi several times, and he said he would consider that. I believe he will. I did not say you are an idiot. If you have respect for your Albanian roots, try to not make such language mistakes calling Albanians "Shiptari", as that is very offensive and reminds Albanians of Serbian oppression. As of Montenegrin independence, as I said, you have my backing. Ilir pz 20:53, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
How can calling an Albanian "Shqiptar" be offensive to Albanians. Isn't that how Albanians call themselves? Or am I just wrng. Can you give me more info on this, please. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 21:01, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
There is a saying in Albanian, which if translated goes "One spoon of yoghurt spoils many littres of milk", putting an "i" to the end of the word "Shqiptar" makes it all yoghurt :))). If you direct the word in Albanian language, then it is different. "Shqiptari" is used in nominative form, if you care about the grammar. Vocative form is "O shqiptar" . Ilir pz 21:04, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
It's the definite article (I don't think you have that in Montenegrin); "Shqiptari" means "the Albanian". Telex 21:11, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I see. Now I understand more about this issue. I will be more careful on my grammar, since I'm a beginner in learning Albanian. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 21:16, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Flag of Montenegro Flag of Albania Flag of Kosova

You're welcome for the flags, Ilir pz. Also, thanks for the good luck on learning the language. Hey, I can always ask my cousin to teach me Albanian because his father's side of the family is Albanian and his relativs are Albanian, so he should be able to teach me Albanian. If I have time though. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 01:04, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

For Kosova's independence, I vote for independence. I think those Kosovar Albanians deserve to be independent from all that violence that they managed to endure. I felt really sorry when I heard about the Kosovar Massacre in 1999. Really I do. And besides, why does Serbia need Kosovo? They don't because most of the 2 million population is Albanian and what is the point of keeping them in Serbia? None, unless Serbia wants to create Greater Serbia, again. Eventually, they will fail, just like last time. Kosova! Kosova! Ilir pz, good luck when Kosova gets its independence. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 01:24, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Archives-Talk Page


Note for Ilir pz, you should turn your talk page into an archive or split the page in half, with the top part in one archive and the other in another archive page. I mean really, the talk page here is 134 kb long. That's pretty long. Just a suggestion. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 21:20, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ilir, a mund të më ndihmosh në artikujt Adana. Telex 21:23, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Deshiroj të restaurosh versionin tim (miku i mirë njihet në ditë të vështirë ;-))). Telex 21:44, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Është propagandë turke. Askush përvec Turqve (dhe qeverisë së Turqisë) thotë që armenët e qëlluan atë. Vëtëm burimi janë [1] dhe [2].
A ke ndonje burim qe e kundershton? 22:23, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
Leje, nuk kam problemi tani (flm për gramatikan). Telex 23:06, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

To archive a talk page, you just copy the contents from here and paste them at User talk:Ilir pz/Archive1, then blank this page. See Wikipedia:How to archive a talk page. Telex 21:27, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It's ok for those jumpy remarks. I don't mind. It's just that I didn't know about that issue and that I just began learning about the Albanian language. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 21:56, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thy wish is my command


What I said to Hippi regarding Native American Chief's wasn't a personal attack - I think I've warned too much so that you're now too careful when regarding to Wiki-rules such as W:PA. ;) --HolyRomanEmperor 10:21, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Being too careful, and too polite is never harmful. Ilir pz 13:26, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A question - say that Tirana becomes a City of the Republic of Macedonia, populated by Slavs? Are you say that there would be no patriotic songs for it made by the Albanians in the next 1,000 years? It reminds me of the Anica - kninska kraljica song - solely written because Knin was no longer a part of Croatia. --HolyRomanEmperor 10:28, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

That is some hypothesis. Not sure, according to natality rates in the region. But yeah, songs remain, but I thought the era of "patriotic songs" belongs to the past, and instead the new generations (I hope) won't care that much about such nationalistic-feeding songs anymore. Ilir pz 13:26, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

As you desire, I will shorten the History section as much as I can on your behaf. I have done that because others (like Vojvodina) have a massive history section. But, I would much rather do a little different thing - expand all the other sections. I suggest that you and I look up for the Georgraphy of Kosovo and write down under that section every river, lake, plain etc. For the Demography, we could list the cities and the population density. That way, we'll have a large, rich article on Kosovo, no? Second of all, when I saw the article History of Kosovo, it was so biased that I didn't want to have anything with it - so the whole article would have to be rewritten (a nuisance). All the best, Ilir! P. S. comment Talk:Prizren please. --HolyRomanEmperor 10:45, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with improving the Geography parts, I know plenty regarding south of Prishtina regions, as I've travelled myself quite a lot. We should agree in advance about the naming, though. I suggest we keep the double-naming system, otherwise it won't be fair. History of Kosovo is a painfully biased, and headache-giving piece of work. You know my attitude toward history, so...I might have to feel really fresh and on top of my strength to want to edit there. Best regards, HRE. Ilir pz 13:26, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Prizren page does not seem to be in good shape. I had added some statistics in Prizren page, but seems like someone did not like that part. Edith Durham was citing a local government official document when writing that. I will have to get it back. Ilir pz 13:26, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The double naming sound reasonable - first Albanian, then Serbian, respectivly - however, I support the historical naming in the History section (KosovA, KosovO AND METOHIJA, KosovO), corresponding the time period. Don't worry about History, leave it all to me. If something bothers you in precise, just inform me at once! Best! --HolyRomanEmperor 13:46, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Whoops, sorry for that red link. Anyway, why don't you comment my posts on Talk:Prizren? --HolyRomanEmperor 13:47, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Sounds good. About the historical naming: naming by whom? Albanians never referred to "Dukagjini valley" as "metohija" ...this is a bit controversial. I would not insist on the Albanian one with "A" if you instead embrace the English version "kosovo" only.
Which comments on talk prizren?! I will check now. Did you check that link on Edith Durham's travelling notes? Ilir pz 13:54, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, and please ask Hipi to say what he wants in Albanian and then translate him for me - I have never crossed paths with him, nor did I understand a single word he said, and yet he keeps posting to me! COuld you please simply ask him what he wants of me? Thanks in advance. --HolyRomanEmperor 13:55, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I will check what I can do. You need translation? how much do you pay per submitted comment? :)))) Ilir pz 14:31, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
When I said historical namings, I was refering to how the land's ruler calls it - the local Prince, Ottoman Emir/Emperor, Byzantine Emperor, King, etc. Know what I mean? --HolyRomanEmperor 14:25, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
That is some tricky business. As that is hard to asses. Historians manipulated with that a lot. Ilir pz 14:31, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Talk:Prizren - I've responded. Please comment further (Prizren was a part of Serbia only for short, in 1918, before the 1944- period) --HolyRomanEmperor 14:57, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Ilir pz is awarded the Seal of Skanderbeg for his tireless efforts to maintain NPOV on Wikipedia, particularly on the Kosovo article. Telex 18:36, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

... I thought I should probably give you this (like you did to Hipi Zhdripi), after having seen how much work and time you have spent keeping an eye on the article on Kosovo and the related articles :-) Telex 18:36, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Not sure that it's wise that you gave Hipi that.

Anyways, I've answered on Talk:Prizren. When are you going to correct Thy City's page? --HolyRomanEmperor 19:25, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Ilir, I hope you are well. I just finished expanding the Provisional Institutions of Selfgovernment (Kosovo). Have a look at it when you get a chance. All edits are sources from "neutral" sources (UN, UK FCO) and should satisfy everyone. And yes, I've got the meaning of SRSG ok this time. I also moved Constitutional Framework to its full title Constitutional Framework for the Provisional Self-Government of Kosovo. I shall be updating this soon as I find Dardan V's edits quite insufficient. Please discuss any amends beforehand. Regards, --Asterion talk to me 19:53, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks and good luck with your thesis. Regards, --Asterion talk to me 22:49, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. Good luck with your work, too. Ilir pz 22:50, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Taking a short break, but leaving optimism behind


I have noticed lots of positive developments, ever since I first came in this environment. And I must say, I learnt a lot myself. I must thank those that contributed in that. I've also received very positive signals from (back then I want to believe) opponents HRE and Asterion. I rely on both of you, your neutrality, and constructive work. We can all work together to improve articles. I read one line from Leshkuq's page, quote "I encourage those who wage revert wars to learn to agree to disagree, it could help!" I want to believe we reached this point. We have different points of view, and that is normal, as we are humans.

This note sounds like a goodbye message, but I will be back very soon. Hope until then, that I will still have a reason to be optimistic, and this constructiveness keeps on. Keep up with good work. Ilir pz 22:55, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

... edhe unë të falemnderoj :-) Telex 00:12, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Kako si stavio zastavu na početku stranice??? Kako je strava, molim te, odaj mi tajnu kako da i ja stavim zastavu sa strane :-)

Jedan Bosanac mi je taj kod dao, idi u moju stranicu, klikni "edit this page" i copy ovo ""position: fixed; left:0; bottom:0; display:block; height:90px; width:150px;">Albanian flag" a ne zaboravi da stavis i to "<div style" i "div" u kraju.
Razume se, nemoj "save page" u moju stranicu, i moras sacuvati Albansku zastavu, jer nece kod funkcionisati. hehehehhe salim se :)))Ilir pz 00:32, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Inače, čuo sam da hoće da iscepkaju Kosovo novim opštinama? Šta ti misliš o tome? Jel' znaš da čitaš ćirilicu? Mogao bih ti pokazati neke članke koje sam napisao na sr wiki, pa da malo komentarišemo o tome, ako hoćeš. Napisao sam baš par zanimljivih članaka o istoriji Kosova.

Pozdrav iz Vankuvera,

--serbiana - talk 00:17, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Mirëdita(dobar dan), Boris. Sto se tice u vezi opstina jesam cuo, kako da nisam. Ne znam sta ce se desiti. Ako se sacuva multietnicnost, to je dobro. A ako se nove opstine formiraju kao ciste Albansk ili Srpske to ne bi bilo dobro. Znam da citam cirilicu. Ali necu biti u Wikipediji za nekoliko 20 dana. Poslije mogao bih.
Tung (cao), Ilir pz 00:31, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Nëse ti do të zmadhon flamurit i boshnjakeve, zmadho atë, bëj cfarë të duash. Telex 00:50, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
OK - natën e mirë! Telex 01:21, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What a...


bizzare and wonderful picture. YOu and Boris had so heavy arguements like ridiculous children, you called Asterion a vandal for 10,000 times and I've placed you countless overeccerod warnings - and now we work in perfect harmony. ;)

hope it lasts :)) Ilir pz 05:53, 4 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Anyways, when are you going to correct your City's article? --HolyRomanEmperor 09:43, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I will do my best to do that, as soon as I am done with my thesis. Ilir pz 21:02, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Mind if I try it? Also, I'm very curious about the questions I've placed at your talk page (archive) that you never answered (the four Betas)... --HolyRomanEmperor 21:40, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
be my guest, I don't own the article. also, please remind me the "four Betas" question, which I honestly did not remember. What did I say that made you ask me that. I appreciate it.Ilir pz 05:52, 4 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Po më duket se punet po ecin më mirë. Si do që të jetë une gjendem tani në sq:Wiki. Për flamurin në anën e majtë mirë e ke nxjerrë i pari. Hahahah. Kalxom prej ku e ke marr shtosin. hahaha -- Tung nga Hipi dhe mos harro stampen cung të kërkosh të ripërtrihet. -- Tung nga Zhdripi

Mire eshte po mundet edhe me mire hipi. Qe po ta qes edhe ty flamurin ne faqe tash qe don. Ilir pz 21:05, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Falemnderit për artikuj, shumë po më përshtaten. Sepse unë nuk e adhuroj shumë historinë, kështu që nuk dija se çka të shtoja në artikullin "Kosovo". Tani mund të kontriboj shumë më shumë. Tung, Aeternus 15:02, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Je i mireseardhur, Petrit. Shpresoj ta rregullojme edhe ate artikull, mirepo edhe tjeret qe kane lidhje me te. Muzika si po te shkon? Te pershendes. Ilir pz 21:04, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Me muzikë gjithnjë i kam punët mirë. --Aeternus 16:10, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



hvala sto si stavio zastavu na mojoj stranici :-) --serbiana - talk 23:00, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Evo da probam i na albanskom: falemnderit! (valjda sam dobro napisao) :-) --serbiana - talk 00:36, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

well done. Ilir pz 13:25, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

HolyRomanEmperor wishes best wishes


Whoah! I just found out that I mixed Prizren for Peja on several facts - good thing you encouraged me to start rewriting Prizren myself - or I would've never noticed it!

ok. good you noticed. let me know how it goes. I will drop by here from time to time. Ilir pz 19:28, 4 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You mentioned something on the four S lacking somewhere - I corrected you that it's the four Betas, and you never explained what you meant ever since.

Would you mind if I talk in Serbo-Croatian (Serbian) to you (would you find it insultive?)? I'm afraid I can't speak Albanian (except for Tung) - but I hope that I could learn some from you. Cheers! --HolyRomanEmperor 19:29, 4 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I've forgotten plenty of Serbian, then learned Bulgarian and mixed it all, so I am not sure I can reply correctly. Though I understand pretty well. No problem, feel free to use any language (you see in my personal page) that I speak. I just might mix it when replying. As far as Albanian is concerned [3] is a good link, with some pronounciation guides, online dictionary, etc. Feel free to ask me if you want to learn basics, I would gladly help, as I did that several times with international friends. Ilir pz 19:35, 4 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Da naucim osnove? Pretvorio sam se u uvo (Slusam). A kada ces mi odgovoriti za one 4 Bete? --HolyRomanEmperor 22:40, 4 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Mësimi i parë (First lesson, pronounced "Muhseeme ee pahr")
Si je (See yeah, transl. Kako si?)
Mirë, falemnderit (Meer, fahlemndehreet, "Dobro, hvala")
Prej nga je? (pray nguh ye, "Where are you from")
Nga Prizreni? E ju? (nguh Prizreni, e you?, "From Prizren, and you?")
Mjaft për sot (Myaft puhr sot "Enough for today")
Hope it helps :)) 23:27, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
Jeste, za osnove to je dobar sajt, tu mozes da ucis azbuku(alfabet?!) i kako se cita na albanskom. Bogami jos ne znam o cemu govoris, kakve bete covece? :))) If I remember correct I was making a comment on the 4 "C"'s of the username of one guy, and I wrote "4 S" ("Samo Sloga..." something) and then you mentioned "beta"...and I got totally confused. Am I answering your question? please clarify a bit more. best, Ilir pz 23:19, 4 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
hehehe, Ilir, šta si to uradio ovoj dvojici? Ne samo da više ne revertuju članak o Kosovu, već su počeli i da uče albanski. :)))) PANONIAN (talk) 16:43, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

PANONIAN, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. ;-) --serbiana - talk 04:13, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Arkeologji: Piramida Ilire në Bosnie


Shiko nëse mund ta vërtetoshë këtë disi. http://www.forumishqiptar.com/showthread.php?t=56251

Thuju ktyne shkijeve Ku nga nje det ne tjetrin det isha Zot vete. Po une po i kuptojë këta shkije se ata janë të mendu që bota është e madhe sa Serbia e nuk janë ka e dijin se me konë kanë hy në fesat para 100 viteve. Mrena 100 vjetëve kanë me qenë shërbëtorë siq kanë qenë, në mos ju pëlqetë le të shkojin në Moskë. Ku nga nje det ne tjetrin det isha Zot vete - tani do i mbledhim bijt e shpërndarë anë e mbanë botës. Sikur Anglezët që ju kanë bërë Gjermanëve në luften e dytë botërore. Do ta kemi vështirë por një shpërndare brenda një kohe kaq të gjatë kërkonë kohë, fillimi ka qenë vështirë të tjerat do vijë më lehtë. -- 08:40, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Eshte zbulim interesant, nese vertetohet se ka brenda saj dicka me te vertete interesante. Te presim edhe te shohim, nese ka dicka arkeologjike brenda saj. Ilir pz 11:49, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
BBC, 26 tetor


VISOKO, October 26 (FENA) – Archeological activities have began on hill Visocica near Visoko, which holds the remains of the medieval royal town of Visoki, and the aim is to confirm the existence of the first European pyramid.

Hill Visocica hides the first European pyramid of monumental proportions, claims author of the book “Bosnian pyramid of the Sun� Semir Osmanagic (photo), which was promoted yesterday in Sarajevo.

Osmanagic on Wednesday told Fena that this facility has an accession plateau wide 40 and long 200 meters built of stone plates. The access plateau is in the form of stairs leading to the pyramid.

The basis for the claim that Visocica holds a most valuable archeological monument is seen in a series of construction anomalies determined during research conducted in August. These anomalies indicate that the hill was not created naturally, but by man.

Apart from the “pyramid of the Sun�, Osmanagic claims that a smaller pyramid, which he calls “pyramid of the Moon� is located in the area opposite to Visocica, which again confirms that pyramids were always built in pairs.

“We have already dug out one stair of the pyramid and we will continue working on the second stair�, says Osmanagic.

Osmanagic was unable to answer when the pyramid would see the light of day, adding that digging out of the wider sections of pyramid only would depend on additional funds.

po kam degju per kete piramide. Ilir pz 11:49, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

4 Bs (CCCC)


Pa, "Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava" je totalna glupost - izmisljena vjerovatno prosloga vijeka, ako ne i kasnije (ne bi me cudilo ni da je produkt ozivljenoga srpskog nacionalizma). To "C" jest grcko slovo "Beta" - standardna insignia srednjovijekovnih srpskih vlasteoskih porodica - simbol pravoslavlja. Ta "4 C" ne treba nikako vezati "sa necim srpskim", jer to samo iskazuje dvije stvari - Hriscanstvo (Istocno Pravoslavlje) i Vizantijsku tradiciju.

Si je? --HolyRomanEmperor 21:22, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Mirë jam, HRE, falemnderit.(thanks) Wow, now I really learned something new, HRE. Da je izmisljena prosloga vijeka, nisam znao. Anyways, ja sam (izgleda pogresno) associate to sa srpskim nacionalizmom. Takva pisanja su bile u mnogim paljenim kucama Albanaca tokom rata, zato to nas iznervi. Thanks for the clarification. It is bad when something valuable from history is misused by some terrorists like Milosevic or Seselj to cause harm to other nations. Ilir pz 23:31, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also, check out your Archives, you said:

YEah, I know the flags. Don't Serbs also have a white Eagle in some flag of theirs? It seems quite similar, exclude the 4 C's[13] Ilir pz 09:26, 29 April 2006 (UTC)

I have no idea what you meant when you said that. That's what has been bugging me. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:25, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I said that the eagles seem to be similar, white ones, but the Serbian eagle had the 4 C's (or Betas). That is all. I was just comparing the looks. What was bugging you here? Hope it did not sound offensive, as that was not my intention. Ilir pz 23:31, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

CCCC is 4xBeta from the Byzant time, this symbol it was adopted from Serbians for Only the Union Save the Serbs. In antice Balkan, peopel in Balkan know that time as Byzantin symbol and that it was samthing great, but during the time in Balkan this symbol it becams as symbol of terror. The Byzantin Eagel it was Black, at last time like the officel Byzantin Eagel, it was iusset from Gerge Kastriota. His poit it was to marge the Byzantin land, in that time it was not national identitet, beacose of the dangeros time from Ottomans. Up side the today Albanian borders, Kastrioti has merget some peopel and prices land, from Dugagjin (today Kosovo), Dibra (today Macedonien) and Malcia veriore (today Montenegro) the rest was dominetied from Ottoman army. In that time the name "Kosovo" was nothing. During the Serbian movmend supported from Rusia (exacle durin the Ottomans-Russian Wars at Krim) it was stardet the campen for CCCC. This campen for the Dardanian territory has used the name "Old Serbia" but this it was not acceptyt from nobody especialy from Orthodox Church. After they diden succed with this name they has stardet to afirmed the name "Kosovo" as symbol of the War at Fushë Kosovë (Kosovo Field). This term with time it was the diplomatic name for the west side of Dardania --Ejte 06:24, 6 May 2006 (UTC)\[reply]

Ilir, imas li MSN? --serbiana - talk 06:25, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Boris. Da imam. I added you. But I use it rarely these days, as I am busy with school. It would be best to discuss here, so others can learn from our discussions, but anyways. Ilir pz 09:48, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Komunat e Kosovës


Hipi e ka pregatit një hartë me numra të komunave në bazë të një pasqyre që ka pregatit Armendi tek bs:Wiki. Çka mendon a u konë mirë edhe ne me futë këtu në artikullin e Kosovës nën Seksionin Gjeografia me kriju një nënë seksion në të cilen paraqitet edhe rregullorja e UNMIK-ut. Amendi e ka pregatitur në gjuhën shqipe një seksionë që po më duket e ka vendin këtu. Shiko K.K për gjuhën angleze vlenë rregulla e emërtimeve të qyteteve sipas emrit zyrtarë, tekë Bosnjakët ata i përshtatin si në gjuhën shqipe. bs:Wiki--Ejte 06:41, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

E futa, tashti duhet edhe teksti, por une nuk e zotëroj anglishten aq mirë. Shiko Kosovo--Ejte 07:22, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

S ka problem për emërtimet e komunave


Sipas Kartës Evropiane mbi komunat (kjo është e implementuar a po më mirë të themi e pranuar nga Kosova dhe Ligji i sotëshëm në Serbi) qytete në Evropë kanë një llojë autonomie e cila ju garantonë atyre që emri dhe kufiri i tyre nuk mund të ndryshohet pa pëqimin e banorve d.m.th kuvendit komunal, përderisa shtete nënshkruese të asaj karte nuk konfirmojnë diçka tjeter. Po thuaj se shkak kryeor i krijimit të kësaj karte ka qenë rasti i Kosovës. Pasi që kjo ju garanton serbëve dhe shqiptarëve të Kosovës që emrant (dhe kufinjët) e qyteteve në të cilat janë shumicë nuk mund të ndryshohen pa pëlqimin e kuvendeve komunale përkatëse ose ato mund të ndryshohen nga shteti në të cilin gjendet komuna por d.m.th ky shtetit (pa marrë parashy se cili) që ka nëshkruar këtë marrëveshje duhet të tërhiqet edhe nga marrëveshjet tjera me EU-në. Kjo kartë është e mirë për uljen e tensionit ndëretnik në Kosovë. Nëse Kosova mbes nënë Serbi është mirë për shqiptarë, nëse Kosova bëhet shtet është mirë për serbët. Jam i bindur që PANONIA e di këtë punë por ndoshta edhe të tjerët dëshirojnë të bëjnë zhurmë, por kjo është vetëm qështje kohe. Hipi ka të drejtë plotësish edhe pse ai ngandonjëher sjellët në të njëjten mënyrë si serbët që bëjnë zhurmë këtu. Ai po më duket po ju mbanë pasqyren serbëve para fytyrës. Si do që të jetë është mirë të ri-vendodni cungun gjeografikë të Kosovës. Për hirë të rrespektimit të rregullës të Wikipedias në gjuhën angleze për vendet e panjohura zyrtarisht edhe pse Kosova nuk mund të krahasohet me vendet tjera të cilat nuk janë të njohura zyrtarisht si vende të diskutueshme, në Wikipedian në gjuhen angleze e vetmja kornizë mund të jetë kategoria Kosova e cila mnd të futet nën kategorin Serbia dhe Mali Zi. Gjitha elementet tjera duhet të jenë të ndara si në artikuj "Serbia dhe Mali Zi" po ashtu edhe në artikujt "Serbia" dhe "Kosova". I vetmi element që mund të ketë një prezentim të dyanëshem është kultura e serbëve të Kosovës. Po nëse nacionalistët bëjnë zhurmë ajo do të futet jo si kulturë e serbëve të Kosovës por si kulturë e sllavëve të Kosovës. Nacionalistt serb duhet pasur kujdes se do pas një kohe të shkurtë do të ndryshojnë gjërat. Të dëshirojë bashkëpunim me PANONIAN dhe me mua gjithashtu.--Ejte 10:20, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Tung Ejte, e di se qysh eshte puna me komuna, po ketu nuk eshte vendi me ba politike. Keta e dine qe nuk ka ma kush tjeter pos shumices me vendose per Kosoven. Vetem edhe pak sa te zyrtarizohet pavarsia, edhe ketyre iu mbyllet goja. Keta zhurme do te bejne deri atehere. Eshte pak problem deri atehere, se nuk mundemi me e listu Kosoven ndaras. Ti si deri tash mundohu te gjesh artikuj neutrale, nga institucionet nderkombetare, edhe i vejme bashke ne artikujt lidhur me Kosoven. Ndoshta mundesh me gjete dicka per artikullin Albanians in Kosovo, me shume per muziken, artin, etj. Gjith te mirat,Ilir pz 10:25, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Nuk jam Hipi, por s ka problem e kam përcjellur punën e tij dhe konfliktet që ka pasur ai është vështirë për ta kuptuar atë por qëllimi i tijë është i kjarrtë. Si do që të jetë do të ishte mirë që të përktheshë tekstin e pregatitur nga Armendi, ashtu që të zvoglojmë numrin e mosmarrveshjeve me komunitetin Wikipedianë të anglishtes. Mendojë se duhet plasuarë edhe disa argumente ndër artikuj ashtu që ndryshimi i fletave të ridrejtuara të kalojë më lehtë. --Ejte 10:39, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ups, me fal, mendova gabim. Cilin tekst e ka pergaditur Armendi? nuk e kam te qarte kush eshte armendi. Ju shenoni cka te ju bie ne dore, e permiresimet gjuhesore i bej nese kam kohe e mundesi. Flm per kontributinIlir pz 10:42, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ja teksti. Të lutem merre atë që të duket se është më rëndësishmja.

Në bazë Nenit 1, të rregullores së UNMIK-ut 2000/43 të nxjerrur më 27 korrik 2000, Kosova ka tridhjetë komuna ashtu siç figurojnë në Tabelën. Sipas kësaj rregullore komunikimi zyrtar përdorë emrat në gjuhën shqipe dhe serbre, përveç që në ato komuna ku komunitetet etnike a gjuhësore joshqiptare dhe joserbe përbëjnë një pjesë substanciale, emrat e komunave jepen edhe në gjuhët e atyre komuniteteve.

Kjo rregullore është nxjerrur nga Përfaqësuesi Special i Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm në pajtim me rezolutën 12:44 (1999) të datës 10 qershor 1999. Po ashtu në këtë rregullore është parashikuar edhe disa të dhëna tjera në lidhje me numrin dhe kufinjët e komunave. Kështu në Nenin 2 të kësaj rrgullore thuhet: 'Shtrirja e çdo komune dhe kufinjtë e tyre skicohen nga zonat e tyre përbërëse kadastrale. Zonat kadastrale të cilat përbëjnë çdo komunë figurojnë në Tabelën ‘B’ të kësaj rregulloreje [4]. Në tabelen e dytë të rregullores janë prezantuar gjitha vendbanimet e Kosovës.

Hyrja në fuqi e rregullores është bërë më 27 korrik 2000

Flm per shenimin Ejte, do te provoj me gjete kete rregullore ne anglisht, edhe duhet te vendoset ne Municipalities of Kosovo ky shenim. Dy javet e ardshme do te jem shume i zene e nuk besoj se do te mund te merrem shume me keto. Ilir pz 16:01, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



...mnoge stvari o Srbima i Srbiji su vidjene pogresno zbog Milosevica, Srselja i njegovih. Na primjer, te cetiri Bete cine Grb Nemanjica i Vizantiskih Paleologa (dinastije). Tako se isto i od strane nekih ekstremista Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva ponegdje (Kosovo, Hrvatska, Bosna) zbog tog simbola "4 Bete" optuzena za grane srpskog nacionalizma, pa su i hramovi, crkve i namastiri bespotrebno spaljivani i ruseni. Ako ti je to novo, vjerovatno ce ti i ovo biti novo - Dukadjini i neki Kastrioti su imali 4 "C" ponekad. -- 12:50, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



...mnoge stvari o Srbima i Srbiji su vidjene pogresno zbog Milosevica, Srselja i njegovih. Na primjer, te cetiri Bete cine Grb Nemanjica i Vizantiskih Paleologa (dinastije). Tako se isto i od strane nekih ekstremista Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva ponegdje (Kosovo, Hrvatska, Bosna) zbog tog simbola "4 Bete" optuzena za grane srpskog nacionalizma, pa su i hramovi, crkve i namastiri bespotrebno spaljivani i ruseni. Ako ti je to novo, vjerovatno ce ti i ovo biti novo - Dukadjini i neki Kastrioti su imali 4 "C" ponekad. --HolyRomanEmperor 12:52, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

To nisam znao da i Dukagjini i Kastrioti su imali 4C nekad. Provjericu to. Thanks for the tip. Ilir pz 15:45, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
User:Ejte mi je sumnjiv - mijesa se u clanke kao o Stefanu Nemanji, i ne razumijem njegove edite.
Ejte moze da se mesa svugdje gde on moze nesto da contribute, including Stefan Nemanja. I guess that justifies him, since Serbian editors add stuff related to Albanian pages. So I don't see a problem with that. If his edits are confusing, you may ask him to clarify. Ilir pz 15:45, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Prevedi mi, molim te, ovo na albanski jezik: "Hipi, sto ti hoces od mene? Stalno mi saljes poruke koje su vise pretnje no isto drugo, a ne razumijem vise od pola sto hoces reci. Hajde mi molim te sada na albanskom reci sto je bilo!" --HolyRomanEmperor 12:55, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Translation: "Hipi cka po don prej meje? vazhdimisht po me dergon mesazhe qe jane me shume kercenime se dicka tjeter, edhe nuk po te kuptoj gjysmen e asaj qe po thua. Te lutem me thuaj ne shqip ku eshte ceshtja"...Not sure this approach would make him stop, instead ask him kindly to re-clarify his points. I will try to interprete his sayings for you, when I have the time. Greetz, Ilir pz 15:45, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jos jednu stvar trebas nauciti u vezi wikipedije: ne postoje ovdje "srpski" i "albanski" editori - ovdje smo mi svi English contributors, bez obzira na bilo sto drugo - ja sam samo mislio na same sumnjive edite koji Ejte vrsi.

Samo cudi me sto Hashim Lopa, Zhdripi Hipi, Hipi Zhdripi, Kanuni, Kurac i dva anona imaju isti los govor engleskoga jezika - i dokazano je da je to sve Hipi; no, i Ejte isto tako ne govori engleski dobro, i preferira njemacki nad engleskim - ne zelim nagadjati, ali sumnjivo mi je. Cak se interesuju za iste teme (clanke). --HolyRomanEmperor 21:13, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
If their English sounds to you similarly terrible, I can tell you that when they speak to me in Albanian they are very different. I am extremely interested in dialects of Albanian, so I can tell you they are not the same. I would be very curious if you can provide me some links, to see if they are really interested in the same articles. Zhdripi Hipi and Hipi Zhdripi is quite clear. It is not even trying to be a sockpuppet, it is the same. About the rest, I think you are not right. Prove me wrong. Greetz,22:40, 6 May 2006 (UTC)



I do not know much about demographic history of Kosovo to help you there. I suggest that you visit some library in your town where you will find relevant sources about demographic history of Kosovo based on Ottoman data from defters. I am sure that library have this data (if not one in Prizren, library in Pristina should have some book about demographic history of Kosovo to help you). PANONIAN (talk) 23:10, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Is not that easy, beacose the documets are not in Kosovo. For exempel, my personal and studie document are in the Serbian hand, some where in Nish or Prokuplje and I think that all Kosovars documents are there. --Ejte 04:04, 7 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with Ejte, that some documents were torched down, or taken away, including catastral documentation. God knows how they will be changed before being returned, as there are no copies available. I will have to re-check about those documents. The Department of History at the University of Prishtina should have something. Ilir pz 10:04, 7 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Well, another place where data from Ottoman defters could be found is Oriental Institute in Sarajevo. Regarding the relevance of the sources in "Demographic history of Kosovo" article, I agree that Miloš Milojević is not a good source (his books were rejected by most of the Serbian historians, since for example he claimed that Serbs came from India). Coordination Centre for Kosovo might not be relevant source too. Regarding other sources, I cannot tell you anything about their relevancy, all depend what sources these people used to write their books. PANONIAN (talk) 21:49, 7 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Can you translate this into English or Serbian for me? --serbiana - talk 02:31, 7 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Boris, it is a lot to translate. But Hipi was asking you to give him the copyrights on two pics he mentions, and asking you to identify yourself as a Serb, so others know.. And the other was asking him to be more tolerant, and calling childish the behavior of albanians and serbs in editing english wikipedia. I would suggest you don't expect many English speakers in that forum. I asked a few, but they did not speak much of it. 10:12, 7 May 2006 (UTC)

ok, thanks :-) --serbiana - talk 18:43, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



A term cannot have negative conotations for only being used in a negative sentence by a negative person. Term "Arnaut" was wildy used during 19th and first half of the 20th century, before communist authority introduced political correctness in political and formal talk.
At very least wether a term has or has not some conotations was not the subject of the article and was not relevant. I just wanted to point above stated to you. I think that "Arnaut" in that document (when we were reverting each other) was used in order to sound more archaic, more old-Serb, which was very en vouge in early '90s.
BTW, please sign your comments, it's easier for me that way. Thank you! --RockyMM 23:09, 7 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

While I agree that a term should be clarified with somethingl like this [[Albanians|Arnauts]], the negative comes from context of the document, not the words used. The document prepared by SANU (yes, the Arts) would not be better if word "Albanian" was used. Conotation comes from the word "explusion". I firmly believe that "Arnaut" does not have negative conotations, and that is only, ableit archaic, synonym of the "Albanian".--RockyMM 15:34, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Take a look at my latest edit. I hope you find it fair and NPOV. [5]--RockyMM 16:01, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Historia e Dardanis dhe Historia e Kosovës


Duhet bërë dallimet deri sa historia e Dardanisë fillon në antik e historia e Kosovës fillon ma vonë. Unë e gjeta një fletë në të cilen është përshkruar historia e Dardanisë që nga mendimtaret e kohës komuniste është thirrur historia e shqiptarëve në Jugosllavi për shkakë se ata nuk kanë pasur të drejtë ta quajnë me emrin e vërtet. Të lutem nëse ke mundësi përmbledhe tekstin në fleten e diskusionit Dardania (Europe). Kjo është histori e pregaditur nga Dardanët -- Hipi Zhdripi

Flm Hipi per info. Ne cilen flete te diskusionit po don me perlmbledhe? ne ate te Kosoves a? ajo eshte e qarte besoj. Per momentin jam duke provu me rregullu faqen e universitetit te prishtines. Se eshte mos vet. E kush eshte ai i paftyre "filozof" ne faqe te wikipedias ne shqip he burre? Ilir pz 09:36, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

talk:Dardania (Europe) gjendet materiali. Po en kete regjion dem-baba-dem kanë banuar shqipet e komunistë e kanë përdorur fjelen "Shqiptarët në Jugosllavi" jonë tutë që po ju nalin punën, kjo popullatë janë nipat e dardanëve. Për argumente ka aty bollë. Kur të përlahesh itju pasqyren e fjelve tyne "Shqiptari" dhe "Albanci". Kjo ashtë si gur themel për historin e Kosovës e cila ashtë pjesë perendimore e Dardanisë. Artikulli Dardania duhet të jetë sikur artikulli Kosova me kthjellimet për këtë emër në fletë tjeter. Nuk ka Dardania Eurpoë. Ashtë njo e njoftne në histori tjerat janë të dorës dytë -- Hipi Zhdripi

Në lidhje me artikujt kombëtarë...


Ilir, të kam treguar edhe më herët se me histori nuk i kam punët mirë. Kështu që, momentalisht jam duke e përgatitur një artikull për muzikën në Kosovë (zhanret, këngëtarët, bendet etj.). Shpresoj se edhe ky është një kontribut. Dëgjohemi prapë, --Aeternus 17:21, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Edhe diçka


A po më propozon që artikullin për muzikën në Kosovë ta fus tek artikulli "Kosovo" apo "Albanians in Kosovo"?

PS:A ke e-mail në "hotmail"? Nëse po, shkruma që të mund të flas me ty direkt. --Aeternus 17:38, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Tung Petrit. Te shkrova email. ajo eshte adresa ime. Artikullin per muziken shtoje te "culture" te Albanians in Kosovo. Nuk e di a ka edhe artikull me emrin "kosovo music", mundesh me nise vete qe don. Ilir pz 18:11, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kosovo is a province of Serbia


According to the CIA factbook, Kosovo, even though administered by the UN, is a part of Serbia, and there is a map that also shows that. "Administrative divisions: 2 nominally autonomous provinces (both in the republic of Serbia); Kosovo (temporarily under UN administration, per UN Security Council Resolution 1244) and Vojvodina."

Will you support my iniciative to write that in Kosovo related articles, or something similar? --serbiana - talk 19:34, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Boris, I am afraid I cannot help you here. My conscience does not allow me. I know you will understand me, like you did before, Boris. I'd rather wait for the status talks to end, so we can both agree with its results, no matter what they are like, and we write on top of the Kosovo page "It belongs to this or that". No matter how much I don't like the status quo, I do not also like to have labels of the sort "it belongs to this country" directed towards Kosovo. Let us be patient, soon everything will be cleared out. Thanks, Ilir pz 00:46, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

OK, deal. We will wait. --serbiana - talk 00:57, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Oj, oj. In wich year you are living? Go and get the info and data in Kosovo if you can? You wount that Wikipedians belive you? You have removed the POV from Serbian said, you have movied the section for the Presheva War and now you wont that Ilir to spport you in one craz idea? In wich Grade you are? --Hevnonen 19:55, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

First of all, Hevnonen, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Ilir, it's rude to interrupt. If Ilir chooses to not support me, that's his decision, and I won't be mad at him, everyone has a right to their opinion. You can vandalize articles about Kosovo all you want, Kosovo is your land, but Serbia is my country and don't touch it. --serbiana - talk 20:11, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

First of all, Hevnonen, .... everyone has a right to their opinion. heeeee and than Kosovo is your land, but Serbia is my country and don't touch it heeeee.

Hello hier is not Serbia but Wikipedia. Kosovo is my land YES, but >Byzantine Empire< is my country and don't touch it. Is Funy to make a disccusion with souch peopel who thinks that they cane make wat they wount with Wikipedia.--Hevnonen 20:32, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Boris, we all know that Kosova is an autonomous province of Serbia. Kosovar Albanians think of it as not (probably because of the Kosovo War, of when you Serbs killed masses of Albanians) I agree with Hevnonen on that this isn't Serbia, this is WIKIPEDIA! Kosovars want independence, so WHY DON'T YOU SERBS GIVE THEM THIER INDEPENDENCE!!! They deserve it and so does Montenegro, from where I'm from. Boris, don't get involved with Albanians if you're going to tell them something they don't want to hear, especially me. CrnaGora (Talk | Contribs | E-mail) 20:59, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Guys no need to fight over this. Kosovo once and for all will belong to its people, Albanians, Serbs, Turks, and anyone that feels it is the place he/she wants to live in. You will just get involved in fights, as many did in the past. Some patience will help. Ilir pz 00:46, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Montenegro, it's nice that you finally started talking to me, after I made an honest expression of my respect of Montenegrins on your page. First of all, I'm half-Serb, half-Croat, I never did anything to the Albanians in Kosovo, that was Milosevic. Duh, I know that this isn't Serbia, neither is the place where I am right now Serbia (I'm in Canada). Kosovars already have independence, it's just a matter of time before it's formally announced. After your rude behaviour, Montenegro, I can't wait for Serbia to separate from Montenegro, nor can I wait for the independence of Kosovo. Never been to Kosovo, probably never gonna go there (Unless Ilir invites me for a visit ;-)). But for now, Kosovo is a province of Serbia, and you're right, this is Wikipedia, not Serbia, and it is neither Kosovo, nor Albania. The rule of law stands and noone has the right to change it untill the world community makes that decision. There is not a single Kosovo-related article where it is stated that Kosovo is still a part of Serbia, and that is wrong, not from a Serbian POV, but from a legal point of view. End of discussion. --serbiana - talk 21:42, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Boris, Kosovo (no matter what people think) is a free place, where if you haven't committed any crimes, you are welcome to come and visit even if you are a Serb. I had my roommate (remember, the guy from Belgrade) visit me in Prizren. The cousins of my cousin(the wife of my cousin, who is a Serb) also come and visit. Concerning the status you say, why then are discussions being held on the status? seems like it is not decided status, and instead it is a territory under temporary UN administration. Correct? Let us reflect with the situation on the ground instead. Ilir pz 00:46, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

If I come to Kosovo, do you honestly believe noone will attack me? Even when they hear my name is Boris? My last name is not Serbian, but still... Also, do you not trust CIA sources? --serbiana - talk 00:57, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

None attacked my visitors at least. There are even locals, who returned, that also move freely, go shopping and meet their old Albanian neighbours. In Prizren especially, as we have many Bosnian, Gorani minorities and a few Serbian returnees, none ever did mind even spoken Serbian/Bosnian. Extremists exist all around the Balkans, I would not feel safe to go to Kraljevo or Banja Luka for e.g. Besides in Kosovo wounds are still open, people have not recovered from the war, and are quite frustrated as the unresolved status is causing the unemployment to rise even. But if you mind your own business none really cares who you are. People have many other things to worry about, instead of checking your ID :)Ilir pz 01:11, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also, I'd just like to express my concern why my city Subotica isn't getting independence, most of the population are Hungarians, the Serbs don't deserve that city, Hungarians should get their independence, because it would be stupid to go 50 km North and live in Hungary where they have independence, it's better to bring independence to where they live. Also, Vancouver is mostly Asian, maybe it should belong to China. --serbiana - talk 21:48, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Irony is not good, Boris :). Hungarians are not 2 million out of 2.2 million to deserve independence there, and have not gone through what Albanians went through. Careful when making comparisons. Check the facts first. Ilir pz 00:46, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I aggree. Ilir, let me ask you a question then. Do you support the independence of Republika Srpska? --serbiana - talk 00:54, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I support the independence of anyone who was oppressed, and the majority of the population supports it. I am not very sure about the case you are asking. I would not want to speculate instead. Are the rights of Serbs being violated there now? I really do not know much about what is going on in there right now. Ilir pz 01:00, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Fighting with Boris Malagurski (Serbiana)


We weren't fighting but thanksfor trying to break it up. Good night. CrnaGora (Talk/Contribs/E-mail/Edit Count) 00:55, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hehe ok, no problem. Ilir pz 01:00, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ilir, sto se tice Republike Srpske, nekoliko puta su pokusavali Bosnjaci da je uniste, ali bezuspesno. Ustavni sud je sada doneo odluku da se promeni Grb i zastava Republike, poslednja srpska obelezja republike. Pored masakra u Kravici i ostalim selima oko Srebrenice, brojni Srbi su proterani iz Federacije u Republiku, gde BiH pokusava da unisti sve od Republike Srpske i integrise svih milion i po Srba u BiH, sto je besmisleno. 85 % Republike Srpske su Srbi. Nema tu zajednickog zivota posle tako krvavog rata, odnosi se i na Kosovo. Da li sada podrzavas nezavisnost? --serbiana - talk 01:27, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Eh, kad ću ja dobiti neku nagradu... --serbiana - talk 01:32, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

(I will write in English, so English speakers may understand) I do not support the oppression, no matter where it originates from, Boris. Did the massacres take place in Kravica recently, or I misunderstood?! Sorry. If what you are saying it is the case, then I condemn those actions, and support its independence. Oppression of one nation by the other is horrible, I've been a victim of it. As of no coexistence due to the war, I must disappoint you, I think that coexistence is possible in Kosovo (at least), even though we are so different (not only by religion like in BiH and RS). Ilir pz 01:35, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hvala za medalju :-) --serbiana - talk 01:45, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the barnstar and calling me another wise Balkan person, Ilir pz. I really appreciate it. Keepin' my fingers crossed for Kosova to get it's independence from Serbia, I think it deserves it 100%. I recently started using Albanian Wikipedia under the username: Mali i Zi. Also started up the Albanian Wikiproject today. CrnaGora (Talk/Contribs/E-mail/Edit Count) 21:23, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Answer about Hipi: Well, I've requeated a CheckUser in irc and bam - he confirmed that they were sockpuppets of Hipi (except one "Kurac", which I didn't ask for) - about the two annons - he himself told me that. ;) P. S. As you see, I am inactive on wiki. --HolyRomanEmperor 08:11, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Maybe they were not sockpuppets of his, as the name was obvious "Hipi Zhdripi" or "Zhdripi Hipi"...if you are referring to that one. Why inactive?Ilir pz 09:47, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Why inactive? Because of Hipi. And some 7 of his sockpuppets or not-so-much-sockpuppets-but-more-warmongering-minions. Petrit Augustini is another reason as well... I can't (and will not) deal with that kind of people. --HolyRomanEmperor 11:58, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Bad to hear you lost your patience. What is Petrit doing? I think he is pretty ok, and uninterested in political stuff, instead he seemed to me to be quite willing to contribute in culture parts. Well, just don't deal with people that disturb you. Ilir pz 18:49, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ejte's words


Several corrections: CCCC was not adopted by the Serbians for Only the Union Save the Serbs. Also, the Byzantine simbol was White, not black - to differ from the Western Empire (inherited by the German Empire) - Albania took over that symbol not from the East, but from the West. The Serbs, Greeks, Romanians and Bulgarians only kept Byzantine insignia, traditions and etc. --HolyRomanEmperor 12:03, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also, I beg to differ that the name "Kosovo" was nothing back then - it's motto of the House of Brankovic. About the campen for CCCC I doubt as well. ;) --HolyRomanEmperor 12:07, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

thanks for the clarifications, HRE. Interesting to know. Ilir pz 18:47, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hmm, I've received a lot of complains from neutral Westerner Wikipedians that Serbia is not mentioned in Kosovo's intro (you may even read one on Talk:Kosovo). I am surprised as I now noticed that any mention of it is missing - isn't it a sort of a concotion? --HolyRomanEmperor 12:14, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Who really complained about that? Couldn't find it in discussion page.(a lot? then you say one in the talk page?) Nevertheless, I agree that Serbia should be mentioned, I added some info where Serbia is mentioned, as it has the negotiating team sent to Vienna talks. It indeed should be mentioned, as it was (is) an actor of many Kosovo-related issues. Ilir pz 18:47, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hipi and other


...well, Petrit emerged to my talk page and threatened me to talk with Kosovars only nice and easily, or... ehm... "he'll call the NATO to bomb my house". ;D He also called me shithead [6]. --HolyRomanEmperor 19:13, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Saying he will call nato to bomb your house is a joke I suppose. The other offense, not a nice one. Ilir pz 01:00, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Although, I am both glad and very sad that Hipi got a lifer.

I find Zocky's arguements on Talk:Kosovo good. Why not respond to him? --HolyRomanEmperor 19:27, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hey, haha, this made me laugh... haha, you're Serbian :-) --serbiana - talk 00:13, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I did not understand the funny part. Ilir pz 00:59, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It is still considered a part of Serbia, although Serbia has no real control over it. - najbolje resenje za Kosovo, cetvrta recenica, nadam se da ti ne smeta. --serbiana - talk 00:18, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

"Kosovo is defined as autonomous province within former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (now Serbia and Montenegro) under UN administration." that is more than enough, Boris. Don't you agree? Your addition is redundant. I think it is not necessary. Ilir pz 00:59, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

If someone who knows nothing about Kosovo, he's gonna think that Kosovo is a UN country, meaning that it's not a part of any country nor is it independent. Listen, go to MSN, I can't take this waiting for an answer anymore, please :-) --serbiana - talk 01:15, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You impatient lad. It is almost 3:30 am here, Boris, so gotta run to get some sleep, tired of working on my thesis all day. This would be a long discussion. The sentence above is clearer as it can be, says it is a province, within what, and administered by whom. It cannot be more NPOV-ized. Though I do not fully agree with this formulation, for many reasons, I am just trying to agree to disagree G'nightIlir pz 01:18, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree to the sentence, but please just go to MSN for a few minutes. --serbiana - talk 01:20, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Actually, I must apologize. I have (forcibly) made you far too "neutral". I would encourage you to look for Albanian and Serbian sources, instead of just watching for international. For, we can simply say "According to X, Y was Z-ed" and etc. However, if there are any biased arguements (for instance, the Serbian Unity Congress has been jugded as slightly propagandist - so that has to be mentioned in wiki), they should be put into the encyclopedia. The main basis is not to manipulate the wiki, but leave the reader to believe whatever he will. For instance, it is not said that "NATO invaded Kosovo to protect the Albanian Nation living there", but "NATO said that...". You know what I mean? I mean, if we put a Serbian propagandist site, with careful links to it, it's criticisms and etc. ofcourse the reader will choose whether to believe it or not. That's the basic point of what Wikipedia stands for.

Nadam se da sam ti malo pomogao prijatelju (kako se kaze "prijatelj" na albanskom?) --HolyRomanEmperor 11:12, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, I prefer the neutrality I am feeling right now. Balkans sourcs, especially those that have to do with history are highly disputable, and have been used by parties in the conflict to achieve what they wanted. Thus they do not deserve to be cited. Talking about all sides here.
In Albanian you say "shok" for a friend, or "shoku im" for "my friend" Ilir pz 21:49, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have doubts if Ejte is Hipi - but Hipi Zhdripi has been indefinately blocked from wiki; an administration convention was held through irc and he was banned with 4-5 of his sockpuppets indefinately. The sole reason was vandalising my RfA. --HolyRomanEmperor 11:18, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Don t lose your time


To all Albanian user in en:Wiki, don t lose your time with this peopel. No 2-3 months they are going to get that wat they have produce mytologi but now they dont have time beacose they most work realy. See

Montenegro preparing new passports | 12:59 May 04 | Beta

PODGORICA -- The Montenegrin Government will announce a tender for the production of new personal identification documents.

The tender for the production of personal documents also includes a plan for new passports, in anticipation of the independence referendum scheduled for May 22.

Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Dragan Sekulovic told daily Vjesti that strict standards for the production of these documents have been set, especially for passports, adding that some of the most well-known companies from the US and Europe have shown interest in participating in the production.

He said that the tender will last one month and, if the independence referendum is successful, the new passports are expected to be issued by the end of the year.

The existing Serbia-Montenegro passports will be able to be used during the period of transition and the prices of the new passports will depend on the quality, though Sekulovic estimates that the prices will not be greater than 50 euros.--Hevnonen 14:37, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ma teper konto


Çysh bon bre me bo ma teper konto si qyki shkavi Boris çka kish be djal shum konto. Ne fillimt thash be djal kta po punojkan, kur ju kom kqyre çka kan shkru merre djal kurgjo hiq, vetem per artikujt lidhje me serbin edhe per Kosoven. A bon qashtua a?--Hevnonen 20:00, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ske cka ju ban vlla. Ilir pz 21:46, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hipi again


There seemed to be some information in here [7], why did you remove it, Asterion? Ilir pz 22:42, 11 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Because, first it is a copyright violation, it is against Fair Use policy to copy and paste such a huge amount of text (check Talk:Moldavia, it bas been done bfeore and by an admin) and second because Hipi is not interested on explaining what are we meant to be looking at. It simply puts people off discussing issues having to scroll several pages up to follow current threads of discussion. Finally, AFAIK Hipi Zhdripi has been banned for life for previous dirruptive behaviour. I really think you should try to distantiate yourself from him. Cheers, Asterion talk to me 02:40, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
That is ok then, but at least provide that information. And you could ask him to instead insert the link where he got that info. If you take a different approach he might as well. Worth a shot. I am not closely attached to anyone in Wikipedia, hence I do not see any reason to distantiate myself from anyone. I just appreciate when people bring sources, and I like to see their credibility first. Taking the time to find the source is enough to respect that person wanting to share it. Ilir pz 09:42, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I did mention the copyvio in the edit summary and he reverted it. I then asked him to provide a link or quote bits instead. Thanks, --Asterion talk to me 11:34, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Albanians in Greece

Albanian speaking groups in Greece fall into the following categories:
  • Orthodox Christian Cham Albanians (very few Muslims, most of them were expelled to Albania or Turkey)
  • Arvanites
  • Recent immigrants from Albania.

Good idea to create that article, I'll see to it. Telex 14:02, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hipi Zhdrpi


A po e shtin në arkiv fleten time te diskutimeve. -- User:Hipi Zhdripi

Po më duket se gjeta diçka por nuk e di a ekziston edhe në guhën angleze ky libër. gabimet e hipit janë të dukshme në shkrim po jo edhe në lakim. Merre, falë të qoftë : INSTITUTI KOSOVAR PËR KËRKIME DHE ZHVILLIME TË POLITIKAVE shiko tabelen

Përbërja etnike e Kosovës sipas serbëve
Viti/Etnia Total Serb %
1948 728,436 171,911 23.6
1953 804,530 189,869 23.6
1961 966,026 227,016 23.5
1971 1,247,344 228,264 18.3
1981 1,585,333 209,498 13.2
1991 1,961,515 194,190 9.9
Burimi: Marina Blagojevic, “Kosovo Invisible Civil War” në Thanos Veremis dhe Evangelos

Kofos, Kosovo: Avoiding Another Balkan War, ELIAMEP, Universiteti i Athinës, 1998

Sipas AJ B, MAR, 96-21-69; 96-51; Dr. Milovan Obradovic, Agrarna reforma i kolonizacija Kosova (1918-1941), Prishtinë, 1981, fq. 306-339. në territorin e Kosovës kolonët sllavë u vendosën në këto vendbanime:

transletet to Hipi's Language: The seatlers in Kosovo from (1918-1941) from the serbian documents AJ B, MAR, 96-21-69; 96-51; from Dr. Milovan Obradovic present in the book "Agrar Reforf and Colonisation of Kosovo (1918-1941) seit 306-339, produset in Prishtinë on 1981. Without me you are going to have only mytology. hahhaha

Komuna e Prishtinës: Badofci (13 familje), Ballabani (9), Barileva (13), Besia (2), Çagllavica (3), Dabisheci (17), Gllogovica (6), Hajkobilla (5), Hajvalia (48), Keçëkolla (5), Koliçi (4), Lebana (8), Makoci (3), Mareci (4), Nëntë Jugoviqët (66), Nisheci (9), Orlloviqi (34), Prapashtica (26), Prishtina (70), Slivova (2), Teneshdolli (3), Truda (2) dhe Vranidolli (3).
Komuna e Fushë-Kosovës: Batusa (1), Bardhi i Madh (23), Fushë Kosova (142), Graboci i Poshtëm (20), Harilaqi (18), Henci (2), Krivova (25), Miradia e Epërme (80), Nakarada (3), Pomozotini (40), Sllatina e Madhe (33) dhe Vrogolia (11).
Komuna e Obiliqit: Babimoci (1), Lokaliteti Bakshia-Nëntë Jugoviqët (48); Breznica (58), Caravadica (3), Dobrosella (34), Hadja (4), Dardhishta (15), Lajthishta (4), Llazareva (17), Mazgiti (11), Millosheva (68), Miniera e Kosovës (9), Obiliqi (122), Plemetini (6), Raskova (6) dhe Siboci (7).
Komuna e Podujevës: Bajçina (12), Balloci (71), Batllava (28), Bellopoja (39), Bërveniku (7), Braina (6), Bradashi (24), Burica (4), Dobërdoli (28), Dobratini (11), Dumnica e Epërme (1), Dumnica e Poshtme (137) , Dumoshi (12), Dyzi (4), Gërdoci (9), Gllamniku (43), Halabaku (5), Herrtica (36), Kaçibegu (7), Katunishta (23), Kërpimehu (21), Konusheci (24), Kushevica (13), Letanci (5), Livadica (33), Lupçi i Poshtëm (14), Llapashtica e Epërme (63), Llapashtica e Poshtme (21), Llausha (30), Lluga (3), Luzhani (9), Majaci (8), Merdari (33), Metërgoci (39), Metohia (7), Miroci (14), Murgulla (4), Obrança (42), Orllani (56), Pakashtica (28), Penuha (11), Perani (21), Përpollci (5), Podjeva (157), Pollata (1), Potoku (3), Radujeci (31), Repa (54), Revuçi (33), Sallabaja (5), Sfeçla (48), Siboci i Epërm (38), Siboci i Poshtëm (9), Sllatina (1), Surkishi (17), Shajkoci (17), Shakovica (8), Shtedimi (15), Tërrnava (22), Turuçica (37) dhe Zakuti (15).
Komuna e Lipjanit: Akllapi (3), Babushi i Muhaxhirëve (17), Baica (4), Banulla (9), Bregu i Zi (9), Bujani (8), Dobraja e Madhe (6), Dobraja e Vogël (10), Gadime e Epërme (5), Gadime e Poshtme (9), Gllogoci (3), Gracka (82), Hallaçi i Vogël (6), Lepia (4), Lipjani (10), Llugaxhia (3), Lluga (34), Magurja (11), Mareci (8), Medveci (13), Poturoci (17), Qyqylaga (12), Radeva (6), Ribari i Madh (1), Rubofci (4), Rufci i Ri (40), Shala (Sedllari) (1), Suhadolli (125), Topliçani (5), Vërsheci (13), Vrella e Goleshit (111).
Komuna e Ferizaj: Babushi i Serbëve (6), Bibaj (13), Cërnilla (12), Doganaj (4), Ferizaj (36), Gaçka (rreth 20 familje), Gërlica (7), Gremja (23), Komogllava (5), Kosharja (13), Lloshkobarja (26), Mirashi (22), Mirosala (16), Muhoci (19), Nekudini (5), Nerodimja (8), Nerodimja e Poshtme (1), Papazi (23), Pleshina (25),* Pojatishta (22), Prelezi i Jerlive (37), Prelezi i Muhaxhirëve (7), Rahovica (15), Raka (33), Sazlia (10), Slivova (15), Softoviqi (20), Sojeva (14), Katuni i Vjetër (39), Surqina (10), Talinoci i Jerlive (5), Talinoci i Muhaxhirëve (25), Tankosiqi (119), Tërni (2), Varoshi (13) dhe Zaskoku (20).
Komuna e Shtimes: Gllavica (6), Godanci i Poshtëm (14), Gjurkoci (9), Petroviqi (Lagjja e Pajtimit) (22), Muzeqina (3), Raçaku (1), Rashinca (15), Shtimja (3) dhe Vojnofci (8).
Komuna e Kaçanikut: Elezaj (9), Gabrica (1), Kaçaniku i Vjetër (29), Reka (10) dhe Stagova (3).
Komuna e Gllogocit: Abria e Epërme (1), Arllati (8), Baica (11), Dobrasheci (12), Domaneku (10), Fushtica e Poshtme (12), Gllanasella (27), Gllobari (15), Komarani (91), ndërsa në lokalitetin Ostrok (8), Karratica e Epërme (5), Karratica e Poshme (18), Krikova (21), Likoshani (4), Llapushniku (31), Negroci (9), lokaliteti Negroci -Llapushniku (29), Pokleku (10), Polluzha (11), Çikatova e Re (163), Çikatova e Vjetër (2), Sankoci (5), Shtrubullova (2), Tërsteniku (22), Zabeli i Poshtëm (16) dhe lokaliteti Zabeli - Krivova (26).
Komuna Skënderaj: Buroja (39), lokaliteti Çubrel-Llaushë-Vitakë (8), Izbica (8), Klina e Epërme (41), Klina e Mesme (7), lokaliteti Kodra e Tomës në trekëndëshin Tërnafc-Prekaz-Klinë (51), Klladërnica (1), Kosieri i Ri (20), Kallica (48), Kuçica (2), Likoci (1), Luboveci (9), lokaliteti Kolena-Lubovec (2), Makërmali (11), Mikushnica (26), Fshati i Ri (Novosella) (13), Padalishta (1), Polaci i Ri (55), Polluzha (13), Prekazi i Epërm (22), Prekazi i Poshtëm (9), Radisheva (2), Skënderaj (Serbica) (55), Tërnafci (8), Turiçeci (25), Vitaku (12) dhe Vojniku (32).
Komuna e Vushtrrisë: Akrashtica (3), Beçiqi (10), Bivolaku (8), Brusniku (8), Bukoshi (58), Cecelia (5), Dalaku (14), Druari (26), lokaliteti Druari-Resniku (35), Dobërlluka (6), Dubofci (8), Dumnica e Epërme (9), Dumnica e Llugave (15), Dumnica e Poshtme (19), Galica (6), Graca (6), lokaliteti Graca-Stanofci i Epërm (28), Hercegova (46), Jezera (Liqeni) (41), Kollo (15), Mavriqi (5), Nedakoci (12), Novolani (32), Maxhunaj (8), Pantina (16), Pestova (15), Resniku (6), Ropica (5), Samadrexha (29), Sllakofci (1), Sllatina (7), Smrokonica (1), Stanofci i Epërm (5), Stanofci i Poshtëm (9), Studimja e Poshtme (8), Svërçaku i Epërm (19), Svërçaku i Poshtëm (52), Shalci (16), Shtitarica (1), Taraxha (15), Tërllobuçi (1), Lumi i Madh (28), Vërnica (17), Vilanci (17), Vushtrria (shumë familje), Zagora (21) dhe në lokalitetin Zhilivoda-Siboci (6).
Komuna e Mitrovicës: Brabaniqi (3), Gushafci (7), Kçiqi i Madh (2), Kopriva (2), Lisica (2), Lushta (13), Mitrovica (30), Pirqa (12), Shipoli (45), Shupkoci (1), Suhadolli i Epërm ( 10), Frashëri (Svinjari) (14), Vaganica (12), Vërnica (10), Vinarci i Poshtëm (6) dhe Zhabari i Poshtëm (3).
Komuna e Zveçanit: Korila (1).
Komuna e Leposaviqit: Kijavçiqi (1) dhe Kopariqi (1).

Komuna e Kamenicës: Berivojca (30), Bozhevci (1), Bratilloci (1), Busovata (2), Dajkoci (6), Drenoci (14), Firiqeja (2), Gllogoci (1), Hajnoci (2), Hodonoci (10), Hogoshti (7), Kamenica (6), Karaçeva e Eperme (11), Kollolleçi (29), Kopërnica (5), Koretini (68), Miganofci (1), Moçari (1), Muçivërci (13), Çarakofci (8), Rubofci (6), Rogana (21), Shipashnica e Poshtme (12), Strelica (2), Cfirca (3), Tërstena (2) dhe Topanica (27).

Komuna e Vitisë: Ballanca (11), Begunca (3), Binça (2), Buzoviku (37), Budrika e Epërme (2), Devaja (3), lokaliteti Devaja-Vrapçiqi (17), Drobeshi (39), Gërmova (50), Gërçari (3), Gjylekari (16), Goshica (40), Kabashi (34), Mogilla (21), Podgorci (3), Pozherani (54), Radivojci (1), Ramjani i Epërm (18), Ramnishta (9), Remniku (19), Sadovina e Çerkezëve (62), Sadovina e Jerlive (11), Shasharja (12), Sllatina e Epërme (17), Smira (13), Tërpeza (13), Tërsteniku (1),Vërboci (3), Vitia (25) dhe Zhitia (9).

Komuna e Istogut: Banica (27), Banja (42), Bellopoja (14), Caralluka (5), Dobrusha (234), Dragalefci (7), Dreja (4), Dubova e Vogël (7), Dubrava (103), Gurrakoci (33), Istogu (15), Kaliçani (28), Kashica (3), Kërrnina (37), Kovrraga (31), Lluga (1), Llukaci i Begut (8), Llukaci i Thatë (2), Lubova (84), Lubozhda (11), Muzhevina (6), Orobërda (97), Prekalla (1), Prigoda (11), Rakoshi (32), Sërbobrani (30), Shalinovica (20), Staradrani (9), Studenica (4), Suhogërla (Syrigana) (2), Shushica (70), Tomoci (5), Tuçepi (39), Uça (1), Veriqi (62), Vrella (16), Zallçi (25) dhe Zhakova (7).

Komuna e Klinës: Biça (17), Bokshiqi (14), Budisallci (12), Caraviku (8), Çabiqi (4), Deiqi (14), Dollci (2), Dollova (13), Dranoshiqi (29), Dërsniku (3), Gjyrgjeviku i Madh (7), Gjyrgjeviku i Vogël (28), Gllareva (13), Grabanica (5), në lokalitetin Arat e Gjata (24), Gremniku (4), Jagoda (43), Jashanica (73), Kërnica (24), Klinafci (18), Klina (14), Këpuzi (44), Krysheva (23), Pjetërqi i Epërm (15), Pjetërqi i Poshtëm (13), Pogragja (7), Qeskova (6), Qypeva (5), Radulloci, Renoci (10), Jashanica-Resniku (52), Shtupeli (41), Stupa (25), Ujmiri (6), Videja (19), Lokaliteti Zajm-Deiqi-Videja-Drenoc (51), Volljaka (6), Zabërgja (1), Zajmi (12), Zllakuçani (23) dhe në lokalitetin Klina-Zallkuçani (41).

Komuna e Malishevës: Banja (18), Bellanica (14), Bubaveci (14), Bubli (11), në lokalitetin Mirusha-Carravrana (25), Carralluka (22), Damaneku (10), Jançishta (1), Lashkadrenoci (24), Kjeva (9), Lladroviqi (20), Llazica (42), Lubizhda (23), Malisheva (20), Millanoviqi (Shkoza) (4), Mirusha (12), Mleçani (26), Pagarusha (3), Lokaliteti Mleçan-Plloçicë (20), Plloçica (9), Panorci (25), lokaliteti Panorci-Bubli (31), Seniku (8), Shkarashniku (9), Tërpeza (23), Lokaliteti Tërpeza-Arllati (19), Turjaka (8) dhe në lokalitetin Vërmica-Bellanica (9).
Komuna e Rahovecit: Bellacërka(19), lokaliteti Bellacërka-Xërxa-Gexha-Radosta (119), Bërnjaça (11), Brestofci (2), Celina (1), Çifllaku (20), Deja (12), Gexha (8), Kramoviku (7), lokaliteti Kramovik-Çifllak (23), Krusha e Madhe (41), Mrasori (3), Nushpala (13), Radosta (20), Rahoveci (9), Ratkoci (21), në lokalitetin Ratkoci-Vranjaku-Nushpala (24), Saroshi (11), Sopaniçi (31), Vranjaka (7) dhe Xërxa (46).
Komuna e Gjakovës: Babaj Bokës (3), Bardhaniqi (11), në lokalitetin Bardhaniqi-Llugaxhia (26), Batusha (27), Beci (82), Berjahu (5), Bardosana (24), Bishtazhini (5), në lokalitetin Bishtazhin-Lipovec-Smaç (33), Biteshi i Poshtëm (41), Biteshi i Epërm (36), Brekoci (36), Brovina (3), lokaliteti Brovinë-Morinë (37), Cërmjani (37), në lokalitetin Varret e Cermjanit (6), në lokalitetini Drini-Cërmjani (13), Dallashaj (25), Damjani (20), Deva (16), Doblibare (28), Dobrixha (30), Dobroshi (9), në fushën Kallavaj ndërmjet Dobroshit e Junikut (92), Doli (17), në lokalitetin Doli-Zhubi (111), Dujaka (11), Firaja (4), Firza (33), Gërçina (12), Gërgoci (16), Gradisha (44), Gjakova (26), Fusha e Gjakovës (42), lokaliteti Nakaradë afër Gjakovës (59), lokaliteti Goden-Zulfaj (7), Guska (7), Hereçi (66), në lokalitetin Malet e Hereçit (58), Jabllanica (15), në lokalitetin Jabllanicë-Luti-Nevxhe-Vardishtë (27), Jahoci (21), Janoshi (22), Kodralia (14), në lokalitetin Kodralia - Neci (39), Korenica (55), Kralani (37), Kusari (6), Kushaveci (6), Lipoveci (18), Llugaxhia (11), në lokalitetin Bardhoq-Llugaxhia (26), Lugbunari (122), Marmulli (79), lokaliteti Milena-Rezina (19), Meja-Orizë (31), Meça (37), në lokalitetin Meça-Cërmjani (43), Moglica (9), në lokalitetin Moglica-Raça-Doli (39), Mulliqi (13), Morina (5), Neci (77), Nivokazi (19), Novosella e Epërme (2), Novosella e Poshtme (8), Osek Hyla (21), Osek Pasha (2), Pacaj (7), Palabardhi (4), Plançori (26), Ponosheci (51), Popoci (5), Qerimi (3), Raça (35), Radoniqi (128), Rakoci (37), Rogova (47), Rracaj (22), Rrypaj (7), Sheremeti (34), Shishmani (34), Shishmani i Bokës (11), Skivjani (27), Smaqi (17), Smolica (19), Stublla (21), Trakaniqi (8), Ujzi (14), Vogova (20), Vraniqi (32), Zidi i Sadik Agës (5), Zhabeli (8), Zhdrella (7) dhe Zhubi (7).
Komuna e Prizrenit: Dushanova (100), Grazhdaniku (4), Hatmaxha (5), Hoça e Qytetit (16), Kabashi (14), Kabashi i Hasit (9), Lokaliteti Korisha-Kabashi (11), Kushnini (8), Landovica (2), Lugishta (14), në lokalitetin Lugishtë-Kabash (10), Lutogllava (37), Shumadia e Re (55), Petrovasella (14), Prizreni (shumë familje), Romaja (6), Trepetnica, Tupeci (18), Vërmica (3), Vllashnja (20) dhe Zhuri (4).
Komuna e Suharekës: Dubrava (3), Duhla (30), lokaliteti Goranca-Novaci (4), Grejkoci (11), Gjinoci (15), Javori (3), Leshani (7), Nëpërbishti (2), Reshtani (7), Savrova (4), Semetishti (7), Studençani (17), Suhareka (5), Shiroka (13), Tërni (17) dhe Topliçani (26).
Great sources, Hipi. I will try to incorporate them somehow. Thanks a lot. (Flm Hipi, burime shume te rendesishme e te mira. Do te mundohem me i perfshi disi. Flm prap.) Ilir pz 18:15, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Supporting a vandal? *Shakes head*. Oh, Ilir. C-c-c-c 23:00, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Did you check the sources he provided? or you just blindly wrote that line? Check the sources firs, pleaseIlir pz 23:07, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't say THAT was vandalism. And I can't understand what he wrote because it's in freaking Albanian. But you know of course that he has been indefinitely blocked for vandalism, don't know, and pushing his agenda could get you blocked as well? Better think about it. Could get messy. C-c-c-c 01:24, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
And what are you trying to prove with that data? That Serbs have been massacred/forced to flee out of Kosovo by Albanians for decades? Oh, thanks for making that point for me so obvious to everyone. It's nice to agree once in a while. C-c-c-c 01:26, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
CCCC you seem to be a bit rushy. Relax and agree to disagree. The sources he provided were in English, partly, not in "freaking" Albaian (does it freak you out?). Seems like he has not been blocked indefinitely. He did not kill anyone to be banned so harshly, Wikipedia should be more democratic than you think. I could get blocked? :))) nice one.
Data is just data, it just shows change in the population, not the reasons. Seems like you know the reasons, I am waiting for you to send me the independent sources for your claims now. By the way have you heard of economic migration?Or leaving a place because you like some place else more developed? Or going to some place else where majority is from your ethnicity? Or very low natality? I think I gave you some more reasons why the number of Serbs reduced in Kosovo. If you think you are right, then give me facts that show hundreds of thousands of Serbs massacred. :))) until then, do not speculate. Thank you, Ilir pz 09:25, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



The map you added in Albanian language has a northwestern Greek province marked as "Arvanitika". This is clear POV-pushing, which falls under original research and violates NPOV. If you can provide a similar map which has the same layout, then you'll have a case, but as in the current situation, anyone can remove it without notice. Please edit out this part of the map, otherwise the image will have to be removed. Miskin 22:49, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You are wrong Miskin. I was not POV-pushing, that has pure linguistic significance, and should be there as such. Ilir pz 23:10, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
It isn't really. The article on Arvanitika itself claims that it is a dialect (as far as linguists are concerned at least) and there are many cited souces there to back this up. It's not original research (there are even sources affirming that it is spoken in NW Greece in the same article). Telex 22:51, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I agree, Telex. Ilir pz 23:10, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
As far as many linguists are concerned, Slavic Macedonian is a dialect of Bulgarian, but that's not mentioned anywhere is it? The thing is that the tiny number of Arvanite speakers take offence by being related to Albanians, and this has to be respected. The difference between a dialect and a language is very thin and it depends more on social rather than linguistic criteria (see the case of Slavic Macedonian-Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian). Just because the Arvanitic-speaking community is very small and it doesn't have a non-Greek national consciousness, it doesn't mean that they deserve less respect than Mac. Slavs and Croats. I realised that ilir pz is not responsible for the picture, but I'm asking him as a favour. Miskin 22:58, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
What favour are you asking me? You seem to be very POV-pushy. Relax, and learn to agree to disagree. Ilir pz 23:10, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
That is not the case. No non Bulgarian or Greek linguists view Macedonian Slavic as a Bulgarian dialect - there was a struggle to find any (on the article talk page) and it failed. Also, Albanian is not only a language, but a branch of Indo European. So describing Arvanitika as a form of Albanian is as accurate as describing Macedonian Slavic or Serbian as a form of Slavic (see, even they have a map: Slavic languages). Unless you're suggesting that sociolinguistics can declare it a language isolate (ie not on the Albanian branch), I see no point in this. Check any linguistic reference, and you'll see that Arvanitika is an integral element in a larger Albanian unit. In none is it omitted and by calling Arvanitika an Albanian dialect, no one is calling the Arvanites themselves Albanians. Unless you're suggesting that the fact that Austrians speak a dialect of German, that makes them Germans (that's what the Nazis thought). Telex 23:06, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
>>"No non Bulgarian or Greek linguists view Macedonian Slavic as a Bulgarian dialect". So if I find some that do, would you have a problem to add in the related articles? Because if NPOV is your only problem, it can be easily arranged. I wouldn't be as naive to say "many linguists" by referring to Greeks and Bulgarians (and I don't think a Greek linguist has every written on the subject). Albanian is not a family in the sense of Slavic, for the simple reason that there is no "Slavic language" anymore, only Slavic languages. As I said, criteria used for such distinctions are mainly social and not linguistic (within certain limits). And in any case, there are no Arvanitika speakers where the map indicates. As for the Austrian-German connection, I think you're slightly confused. Austrians until 60 years ago would recognise themselves as an integral part of the German nation, and most of them still do. If Austrians decided to declare themselves ethnically non-German, they'd have the same relations as the Bulgarians and Slav Macedonians do today (and they'd also be making statements of the type "Tsar Samuil's Kingdom was Macedonian"). Miskin 23:20, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
If there is such a linguist, do cite him. According to Arvanites#Demographics and Arvanitika#Geographic distribution, there are Arvanites there (the sources are linked to) and in other places in Greece. A similar example operates with the Irish, who all speak a dialect of English, but this does not make them English. Anyway, the map isn't coloured there (ie solid Albanian/Arvanitika speaking areas) but just has the name (ie 1 person in every thousand knows someone who can speak it :p). Until we can find a source that says that Arvanitika is not Albanian, then writing that would be original research. Telex 23:28, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I understand that language does not define someone's ethnicity like, as you said, the Germans would propagate. However some Albanians do think and try to imply constantly that Aranites are an Albanian minority, so I've become very sensitive on this subject. I apologize for the confusion. Miskin 23:36, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

They probably have no relation to Ilir, who is a cosmopolitan as well, and knows that:
"Ethnicity is not determinated by blood, but by a common tradition and history."
Anything else, resembles fascist ideologies of the past, about Aryan superiority of certain ethnic groups, who prefer to be "offsprings" rather than "worthy inheritors". NikoSilver  (T) @ (C) 01:05, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Ilir, rekao si da nece vise biti martovskih nereda, pa onda procitam ovo. Zar iskreno mislis da moze da bude multi-etnicko Kosovo pored takvih budala koje kamenuju autobuse? Dovoljan je jedan covek da ubije drugog. --serbiana - talk 04:34, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You are reading RTS, yet still. I like to be a bit more patient, and let police find the culprits, and then judge. There have been guys damaging Jewish graves in Vojvodina, too. But they are a minority of Serbs, or am I wrong? I still think co-existence is possible. This is another reason why the state should be stronger, i.e. independent, so that it has all the powers to exert, and find the guilty ones 09:20, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

Ilir, What's the best way to revert a page? You seem to know.Thanks Ferick

Ferick I am totally confused with your edits. Not sure what to answer. Ilir pz 17:57, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Qytete e Kosovës


Kush janë këta bre Boris, serbiana a asht ky projekt i shkijeve a?

Po unë e di që në televizion ukonë lajmi që janë marrë veshë shkijet edhe qeveria e Kosovës për emrat e qyteteve. Pse këta nuk po dojin mi pranu. I lypsha qytete e kosovës më dilke gjithçka tjeter por jo qytete. --Luli 000 19:25, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jo jo ai person siper eshte perdorues, si ti. Nuk eshte kurrfar projekti i tyne. Je i mireseardhun me shkru ketu sa here te kesh material te mire. Nevojiten dokumente te shkruara, ne internet apo enciklopedi. Qe gjen na i trego. Te pershendes, Lul. Ilir pz 19:36, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jel' me ogovarate mozda? --serbiana - talk 20:27, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

jes. He asked me whether "this" is a serbian project, and wondered who you were. Just told him you are a user, not a project. And asked him to bring documents or citations if he has any valuable ones. Worried?Ilir pz 20:28, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ne brinem se za njega, ne bih voleo da se naljutis na mene zbog nekog drugog juzera... --serbiana - talk 20:32, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Nah. No reason. You are not bothering me, zasto bih se naljutio na tebe? What you talk with others is not my business :). Greetings,Ilir pz 20:34, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
OK, so we're cool. Moras priznati da postoje velike slicnosti izmedju Hipija i juzera o kojem pricamo... Uostalom, ovaj "novi" korisnik nesto mnogo zna o tome kako menjati clanke, ne bih rekao da je bas sasvim nov... --serbiana - talk 05:54, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I did not talk to him for that long, I cannot speculate. Ilir pz 09:39, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Do not feed the trolls (fshij këtë mesazhin nëse do). Telex 21:41, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, Telex. Ilir pz 21:58, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please clean my discussion page


I need it for my source. If you dont do it Im going to delet all the discussion in my page.

Nevermayn, this is HOT, I was saying to you is going to be more and more ... please translete this beacose this is part of region Dardania wich during the Yugoslav time was called Kosovo or Albanias territory in Yougoslavia. In this book you are going to see the contuinitet from Dardanias to the todays Kosovars. This folk was polpuledit during the Kosovo Battel in this Region how the romaks called Dardania part of Roman provice Moesia, Illyria and Dalmatia. Dardania was a provinc after the Roma occupted the Macedonians for more than 400 years see the europen antic atlas.  :

Jovan Trifunovski, Vranjska Kotlina I, Skopje, 1969, fq. 34; Dr. Sabit Uka, Dëbimi i shqiptarëve nga Sanxhaku i Nishit 1877-1878, libri I. Prishtinë, 1994, fq. 220-21; Dr. M.Gj. Miliçeviq, në librin “Kralevina Srbije”, Beograd, 1987, fq. 334, cek se banorët e fshatit Ivan Kullë ishin shqiptarë dhe aty ishin që nga Beteja e Kosovës 1389; Në veprën e Adem Hanxhiqit, Oblast Brankovica, Opsirni katastarski popis iz 1455 godine, Sarajevo, 1972, fq. 229, në mes tjerash përmendet edhe fshati Arbanashka etj.



Hipi Zhdripi


Hi Ilir (and C-c-c-c), look at this and this (I've already told Hipi at sqwiki). Telex 09:59, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Touché, my friend. Ilir pz 10:17, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Music in Kosova


Hej Ilir, i kam shkruar disa artikuj në favor të shqiptarëve, e njëri prej tyre është edhe "Music In Kosovo". Do t'i publikoj nesër se sot nuk kam kohë. Tung, Aeternus 19:02, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

shume mire Petrit. Mundesh me e qite ne Albanians in Kosovo ne pjesen "Culture" apo me nise nje artikull te ri komplet. Si ta merr mendja. Tungi, Ilir pz 20:50, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hipi Zhdripi


See Hipi Zhdripi. After some negotiating on irc, we concluded that he should be ubnblocked. ;) --HolyRomanEmperor 20:07, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

that is positive. But i am afraid he decided to give up on english wikipedia. At least I heard so. best, Ilir pz 20:51, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What say you about my newest article - Stefan Nemanja? Please read it thorrowly and say what you think. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:19, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

There is a place that needs formatting below "Abdication & Later Life" I will read it thoroughly when I get some more time, HRE. My last week before I submit my thesis, sorry. Ilir pz 21:21, 14 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You don't need to apologize for anything, shoku im. ;) --HolyRomanEmperor 08:41, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Double articles about Kosovo cities


Hi. It is really annoying to have twin articles about some of the Kosovo cities. What I mean is this:

Can you merge these twin articles into one? I do not care is the name of the article in Serbian or Albanian, but it is stupid to have twin articles because of the name disagreement. It should be either one either another, but certainly not two same articles about one same city. PANONIAN (talk) 14:52, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

They should be merged, so that no redundant articles exist. But Panonian you should understand that those who made the redundant article made it so because they think that it is not fair to use the naming for the city, that is not used by 90% of its population, but was imposed by the regimes before 1999. Therefore, should you want them to stop, you should write the main article with the name 90% of its population refer to, and redirect the way 10% of less of population call it. If you agree, I can easily blank one and redirect it to the other. Ilir pz 16:07, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No, no, no, I did not meant to blank one of them, but to MERGE them. This mean that entire content from both articles should be preserved and kept into one single article. You should not simply to blank one of them and to destroy its entire content, but to move this content to second article that you will keep. Then you can make redirect from the first one. I know that much of the content is same in both articles, but not entire content. That is why you should see what are differences between the two articles and make one which will contain content of both. As I said, I do not care in which language the names of the merged articles will be written. You can choose what name you want, just see to merge them properly that entire content from both is preserved. PANONIAN (talk) 17:04, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I assumed that both twin articles had the same content. Of course I would not cut text, but merge. I will check on that once I am more free from my studies. Ilir pz 17:28, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also what you think about this form for the names of the Kosovo cities articles:

In the case of Dubica, languages are the same, from a Slavic tree of languages. In Kosovo's case we have two different languages, thus it adds to the overhead. Ilir pz 16:08, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Both, Serbian and Albanian name could be used, for example:

  • Priština/Prishtina
  • Priština (Prishtina)
  • Prishtina/Priština
  • Prishtina (Priština)
I agree to the double naming system. I am not trying to enforce any Albanian naming only. The International interim administration, and Kosovo's institutions have the naming system "Prishtina/Priština" not sure about the "š", but I would not mind that. But then what should the main article be called like? which one to redirect to which? Headache-giving thing..looking forward to your comments.Ilir pz 16:07, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Any of these 4 versions could be used. PANONIAN (talk) 15:03, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well, in the case of Kozarska Dubica, both "Kozarska Dubica" and "Bosanska Dubica" redirect to "Kozarska Dubica/Bosanska Dubica". So, in this case, both, "Priština" and "Prishtina" could to redirect to "Priština/Prishtina" or to "Prishtina/Priština" (just to one of these two proposals of course). As I said, I do not care which one of the names should be used first, I only proposing this to try to find compromise solution for this problem and to prevent people from creating twin articles. PANONIAN (talk) 17:04, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Someone once mentioned that double-naming is not advisable in Wikipedia, that is why I proposed that earlier. Ilir pz 17:28, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I skimmed through some of the articles, and liked the way Ferizaji District was made for example. Writing it in both names, and by stating (bold letters indicate the name used by a majority of their inabitants). Seems fair enough, BUT, redirect the "way minority calls it" to "the way majority calls it", in this case "Leposavić" "Gračanica" and any other populated by majority of Serbs, should remain so, and the albanian naming should be redirected there. What do you think? Ilir pz 16:23, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I see no problem with that, but I do not think that many other Wikipedia users would agree with that, so that is why I proposed that we could use both, Serbian and Albanian names for the names of the articles as a temporary solution until the final status of Kosovo is not solved. Regarding "Kosovo-geo-stub", I do not know why they deleted it when another regions that are not independent like Wales or Texas have their own geo-stubs. I do not have time to deal with this issue further at this moment. Instead of it we can use "Euro-geo-stub" for Kosovo articles as Grutness proposed. I think it would be acceptable for everybody. PANONIAN (talk) 17:04, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yep, double naming sounds more reasonable then. Euro-geo-stub should be good enough, until the status of Kosovo is decided. I back you on changing those tags when you want. Ilir pz 17:28, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Punë të marë (Gut job) -- Hipi

...forgot 'bout it? --HolyRomanEmperor 21:41, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ilir, what happened, I saw you making a bunch of wierd edits on the Kosovo article. serbiana - talk 22:51, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

That was IIir_pz (talk · contribs · block log) (see userpage to see what I mean). --Telex 22:54, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hahaha, I was getting ready to congradulate you on becoming a Serb :-))))) Oh, well, dream on Boris, dream on... --serbiana - talk 23:21, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hehe, can't help dropping by here, it is entertaining. Just wondering who was that funny to impersonate me? I thank whomever took the fast action to block that user. Oh well, Boris :))) That was some moment of joy I suppose :))). Gotta get back to my paper, in a week I can join you in this fun environment. Ilir pz 23:29, 15 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Your Impersonator


Hey Ilir, delete this if you like, I would just like to tell you it wasn't me who impersonated you (as I'm quite positive you think I did), if you look at the block log of the impersonater, you will see the time he/she was blocked, so that means they couldn't make any edits because IP would be blocked to. I was still making edits up until my own IP was autoblocked by user User: Curps because User: armpit99 was vandalising. You can look at this to confirm. The block was 24hrs, and I wouldn't be able to edit right now if I was the impersonator because the IP would still be blocked. So anyways, have a good day. :) C-c-c-c 23:22, 16 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What makes you think I suspected it was you? Any idea? Never mind, it was short-lived. ilir_pz 23:24, 16 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Not to assume bad faith, but didn't this happen? --Telex 23:25, 16 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You don't need to explain if you weren't the impersonator. Even if you were, leave that to the past. I noticed that you are slowly getting wikipedianized. That is good. Gotta leave now. Greetings. ilir_pz 23:27, 16 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Telex, yes, that did happen, if you follow the link I put up, andthis one, you will see we're talking about the same thing, albeit with a different perspective. However, you will see the times don't match. I was still editing Kosovo even after the impersonator was blocked.

Anyways, Ilir I wonder why you ask such a question after making this remark on Telex's user page. Also I'm a little concerned about how your new blog has your location at, Prizen, Kosovo, Albania. Where exactly is this? Also, good try on trying to get me banned.:) Regards C-c-c-c 00:08, 17 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for visiting my blog. The location is quite well assigned. But I removed the part on Albania, that was the first country on the list and thought to give it a try. Well, of course I suspected you first, and you should not be surprised why. I think trying to get you banned went as far as I wanted it to. You got the message. best, ilir_pz 09:38, 17 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Montenegrin Referendum


Mirë dita, Ilir. I don't really know what's the feeling in Montenegro before the referendum, except that the government is trying to figure out the plan of what's going to happen in Montenegro and that many people who want independence are still supporting. I only know this because of news reports. Unfortunately, I live in Canada, so I don't really know much except for what I hear. I heard that many (probably mostly) Montenegrins in the USA support independence and contribute to campaigns for independence. That's all I really know, brother. Bye. CrnaGora (Talk/Contribs/Edit Count) 00:36, 17 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Miredita, CG. Well I hope that the will of the majority will be respected, and that brings prosperity, not only to Montenegro. ilir_pz 09:44, 17 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ilir, you claim not to be a nationalist, yet you support and defend every single Albanian on Wikipedia regardless of whether they're right or wrong, hard-working or vandals. Explain your actions, it's not possible that all Albanians are perfect. --serbiana - talk 02:27, 17 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I actually support the will of the majority of people living in a certain territory, which in a way or another were forced into some artificial Federation, Boris. It does not have anything to do with Albanians. Not all Albanians are perfect, and I told you that some I despise for their actions. I never said I am 0% nationalist, I care about my nation, as well as anyone does. Try to tease some Dutch guy about their nation, and they are among the most civillized. Nothing bad with loving your nation, as long as it does not mean other nations suffer from it. Regards, ilir_pz 09:44, 17 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thats nice, but its not what I asked you. Care to take a look at the question again? --serbiana - talk 03:18, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry for my ignorance, I do not see what question did I not answer? ilir_pz 09:08, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Apology accepted, I asked you why you support the actions of all Albanians in Wikipedia, even the ones that are vandals? Even I went against a few Serbs on Wikipedia, because they were behaiving too extremist. Is there a limit for you, or is it just enough to be Albanian? --serbiana - talk 01:31, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No Boris, I do not support anyone just for being Albanian. I repeat myself yet again, for more than 10 times, I despise those who attempt to give a bad name to my nation. Vandals, too, for that matter. ilir_pz 01:40, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You have yet to prove me wrong, as you have not said a single bad thing about any Albanian editors on Wikipedia. --serbiana - talk 01:55, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Furthermore, don't think that I'm turning against you or anything like that, we're just debating ;-) --serbiana - talk 01:32, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I want to believe you are a bit rushy, and have a strange way of debating. I do not think I am prone to debating when someone floods me with accusations and calling me a liar. I'd rather have a more relaxed one. We can all have wrong information, but the approach matters a lot to make me debate. ilir_pz 01:40, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I'm just saying whats on my mind, I don't like to talk behind someone's back, I'd rather confront that person myself :-) The fact is that we are just too different in opinions, which makes a perfect situation for debate. Sorry if I offended you when I said that the information you believe to be true is a lie. --serbiana - talk 01:55, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



First of all I have nothing against Albanians. Secondly, I was talking about the infustructure of Albania. Such as cell-phone services. I am not using them as credible authentic sources to prove my "hypothesis". However, on a simple/low level they do show some evidence. The Bosnian war was tragic, but I would have to say that it has not put Bosnia into a "lower level". Yes, times were difficult during and after the war, but those issues have tremendously improved. The fromer Yugoslavia was a really propsperous nation and I think that ideology still sticks in people's minds in all of the former republics. That is why every single one is slowly/rapidly improving. For Albania's case, I have Albanian friends here in Chicago attending the IB program, like me, who talk in a negative way about they country. They mention how poor and neglected some areas are, still today. The Bosnian War lasted for three years, making three years of damage. Albania was under corruption for some 40 + years, affecting it much more. Bosnia had to go through a horrible war and that is what affected it. If you look at Romania and Bulgaria, they were poor nations and still are. Once again I have nothing against either/any nation. Austria, for God's sake, is building several prisons for solely Austrian use. Bulgaria and Romania will be exploited on a far more negative level than Bosnia and Albania. Bosnia will be exploited for its natural resources, such as coal and other mining. Now to go back to the cell-phone infustructure, Bosnia has a really well-developed one, maybe even better than Serbia's, since the cell-phone services cover almost all of Bosnia. Bosnia has some areas affected due to the war, however, much of the scandalous corruption is, by now, diminished. I'd say that the major issue in Bosnia is that it is divided. This Bosnian issue is what is keeping Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia (to some extend) from entering the EU. What is keeping Albania? I'll leave you with that question.

A question for you, Are you a "Kosovar" (Sorry did not know the exact word for a person from Kosovo, or are you an Albanian?

Once again, I am for the independence of Kosovo.

Thanks my friend, Kseferovic 01:00, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the support for Kosovo independence, yes I am a Kosovar Albanian. (hmm forgot to say that clearly in my userpage). I am happy to hear those improvements have taken place in Bosnia. See, I am also uninformed on how things are going there. My impression was that still war hatred is present, people are looking for their loved ones in mass graves (like in Kosovo), and many many Bosnians live abroad and do not want to return. (I lived abroad several years and made Bosnian friends).
Congratulations and good luck on your IB - Programme. Seems prestigious. Are you planning to go back to Bosnia once you are done? or just like those Albanian friends you might consider noot?
Talking about Albania, according to my information the reforms were going well until one point, when a corrupt and terrible leader took over, Fatos Nano, who had a network of corrupt people. For almost half a year now, Sali Berisha has taken over, and is working hard on fulfilling EU standards, and results are impressive. It is true that some people, like your Albanian friends, are tired of previous regimes and are discouraged as a result. But I have many friends from Albania whom we studied together with abroad, and they are telling me that there are jobs, and the country is moving forwards. Evidently, 40+ years of dictatorship leave bad scars. There was never such a dictatorship in US, but poor areas exist.
One advantage (or disadvantage, as some might consider) for Bosnia or Kosovo is that the foreign investments (or for Kosovo will) take place in a larger scale than in Albania, therefore the faster development, as they are directly involved. Hope I answered any of your questions. ilir_pz 09:21, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • Yawns*. I swear, every page I go on that has anything written by Kseferovic mentions how he's in the IB program. There's IB schools here too, and really it doesn't matter if you're in the program, unless you actually excel in it. I know people in the IB program who barely pass any of their classes. Anyways, I chose an AP one over IB, primarly because I liked the school better. I sincerely hope you're not in the IB English program, or I will have my doubts about the program's "success". Obviously you need some time to catch up on your history as well, since the people who declare themselves "Kosovars", are in fact Albanian and not "Albania", that's a country you know. The user is for independence of Kosovo but doesn't know who lives there, intriguing. Also, since when has the comparison to Serbia been the standard? When you say "most of Bosnia...better than Serbia" you mean Republika Srpska right? It's kind of like saying, "Hey, I'm richer than the begger", low standards. Usually you'd try to "get away" from Serbs, not try to relate with them.

P.S. We had about 10 AP National Scholars and a Rhodes Scholar last year.:))) C-c-c-c 02:17, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I do not think there is anything bad with saying a few words about your background, CCCC. It gives good hints on what person you are talking to, and maybe his knowledge to the field. Kosovars are people who live in Kosovo, Kseferovic was more than correct. I should clarify that soon. Good that you had that many scholars, educated people should not be feared of, but the uneducated. ilir_pz 09:24, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Looks like someone has edited those pesky errors. C-c-c-c 02:19, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, blocked users can still edit their talk pages. He still is blocked [8], indefinitely. --Telex 09:42, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
A question for you, Are you a "Kosovar" (Sorry did not know the exact word for a person from Kosovo, or are you an Albanian? ...obviously he didn't know the difference. And what are you trying to imply Telex? C-c-c-c 10:03, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
And Ilir, what are you trying to imply here, that it was me? I dare you to check IP's, and mine's obviously been around on my user page history because of the number of times I've been "autoblocked" because some other idiot vandalized. Check the IP's will you, and Telex, also again I'd like to point out that I was editing Kosovo even AFTER Ilir's impersonator got blocked. I put the links up before...right now I'm busy bye. (it's 5 am here) C-c-c-c 10:07, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Can you give me some more info on the history of Kosovo. Has it always been part of Serbia (like Boris says) or has it always beenm a seperate "entity" (like you say). I really lack the information on the Kosovo issue.

Hvala, Kseferovic 21:34, 18 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

When it comes to historical "facts" especially related to Balkans, I am highly sceptical, Kseferovic. I must disappoint you. Fake heroism and legends have been a source of wars around here, thus I do not have respect for them. Ask me about anything related to the present, or for the period I was alive, and went through things happening in Kosovo, I would be more than happy to answer to you. My interest in history starts from 1980 and on. You're welcome anytime.ilir_pz 00:18, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I understand your opinion about the Balkan history. It is full of heroic legends and propaganda. But as a historian I have to promote history. :) It is not easy but reading the history of Balkan you have to use your most critic mind. To understand what happend from 1980 until today you have to understand the history. Neverthenless you can be most interested in modern history, everyone has their own interests. But you must never exclude any older history. :) Litany 10:52, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I like to use verifyable history. And not speculations of some illiterate travellers, completely subjective, done in 12th century for e.g. There should be a clear distinction here. I still was not able to get credible facts from the history of the Balkans, from any of the sides. I keep watching National Geographic, that seems to be entertaining, and the way they explain facts is neutral and nice. Balkans history is far from that neutrality. Faaaaaar from thatilir_pz 12:37, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
National Geographic is good, but still I dont rely on everything they say. Talking about heroism and propaganda, you prove your own thesis. "Mini-documentary (video on a website) on Skanderbeg, the greatest Albanian hero." Myths? Heroism? :) Take care - Litany 12:47, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
By the way National Geographic documentaries never conclude something, but instead argue in a neutral way, and leave out many questions for the listener to wonder about. Whereas Balkans historical "facts" are strong-headedly protected by the sides that want to gain from that speculation. This irritates me about history, because such people brought bloodshed around here. ilir_pz 12:54, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
ummm the speakers in the documentary are not Balkans people, but international researchers. ilir_pz 12:49, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

prap Hipi


Pë biblotekat e djegura. Një raport shumë interesant nga një organizatë ndërkombëtare dokumenti gjendet në shqip dhe anglisht http://www.ifla.org/faife/faife/kosova/kosorepo.htm#_Toc480784381

Upsss!! Zemer, të lutem ku ashtë në pyetje kultura e qyteteve këto të dhëna duhet prezentuar karshi kulturës serbe në ato qytete, se edhe kjo është kultur serbe "të djegësh libra". Le të gjykojë vetë bota pse shqiptaret e Kosovës nuk kanë dokumentacion, ky ka qenë masakra më e madhe që kanë mundur të bëjnë serbët shqiptarve të Kosovës. Le të gjykojnë se serbët e kanë djegur Historin e Kosovës. -- Hipi

Flm per linkun, hipi, jau tregova disave se pyetshin pse nuk ka dokumentacion ne shqip per numrin e popullsise ne Kosove, e shenime tjera per Kosoven. Ju tregova cka ka ndodhe me dokumente te tilla nga regjime te ndryshme neper shekuj. Flm perseri, ilir_pz 12:56, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Mad at me? --HolyRomanEmperor 07:07, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No way, what makes you think that? :) you haven't been around at all to be mad at you :)ilir_pz 10:09, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
... because you were ignoring my posts... --HolyRomanEmperor 19:01, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Which posts, HRE? Maybe I did not notice them, unintentionally. Don't mind in the next 2 days, please, I am quite frustrated with concluding my thesis. Hope you understand. Best, ilir_pz 21:02, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Posts about Stefan Nemanja... --HolyRomanEmperor 21:45, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I will try in the days to come. ilir_pz 22:00, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



HRE and some other account are prepareting for Edit War, can you talk with PANONIA how to stop this. -- Hipi

I understand your worry, Hipi. I will try my best to increase the awareness and ask for more civility among those that attempt that. Instead I encourage you to not do the same, but instead discuss first, and offer links and citations like you do. Pershendetje, ilir_pz 21:13, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I think that Hipi should abandon wikipedia editing. I do not understand what he means. How can we communicate if I don't understand him? --HolyRomanEmperor 21:47, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I cannot judge who should leave Wikipedia and who should not. Are you telling me I have some great skill? because I understand Hipi. Maybe because I try harder. ilir_pz 21:54, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ilir, what about if Hipi inserts his proposed edits in the talk page? This way the text could be proofread for grammar and spelling mistakes and also discussed beforehand. Otherwise, we are back to square one. Well, just think about it and discuss it with him. It has been a long week for me and will posibly be offline for a while. I need some rest away from a computer. Regards (and good luck with your thesis, BTW) Asterion talk to me 21:58, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sounds good, propose to him. Thanks for the good wishes, ilir_pz 22:00, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Propose to him? Why would I want to marry him? ;-) --Asterion talk to me 22:04, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
:))) let me rephrase, "propose to him to insert his proposed edits in the talk page" . Best, ilir_pz 22:06, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
OK, now seriously. I am not sure if he will understand what I am saying. If you could translate it, it would be best. Other thing, he should really stop leaving pseudo-warnings on HRE's page, as this is border-line stalking (an admin had to intervene). Asterion talk to me 22:08, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
ok since you're proposing..........to do that, I will try my best. :)ilir_pz 22:10, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You did not translate it word by word, did you? HmmmAsterion talk to me
Mea culpa for the rv in Pristina... it was rather POVish (though i was not its author...).the rephrase is good, but it could be better. such as 'feared and suffered revenge'... --Hectorian 00:54, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
As i said, mea maxima culpa...i did not see what exactly i was re-adding... By no means i would add the sentence u bolded on my page, if i had read it carefully... But i insist, that there should be a mention on the role that UCK and Nato played in the reduce of the serbian population. --Hectorian 01:00, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Look, i apologised for my mistake twice(!)... i am looking forward to read balanced edits on this matter, but in order to cool down the 'hot bloods' in thge Balkans, i do not think u should refer to the UCK as a group that was willing to let the Serbs stay in Kosovo...(have in mind that i am using the word 'UCK', not 'Albanians' nor 'Korovars'-i am not mixing these words up)...Kalimera(i wish i could say it in Albanian:)...)Regards --Hectorian 01:16, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

you can do something

I think it is clear who brought the situation to "square one" Asterion. It is disappointing to see that you tend to revert the changes to some of those who re-started the revert war. I strongly want to belive that you will do something about it. This is completely unacceptable, after some time of consensus that existed in Kosovo related articles. I got the Albanian editors to stop, feel some responsibility to do the same with those who think the opposite to them. ilir_pz 10:41, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ilir, why should I vouch for anyone else but myself? This is time for constructive discussions and not anonymous reverts by sockpuppets, whatever their colours. As far as I see it, they should log in and talk (and Hipi is one of the main offenders, you know it). And I am not alone on this. I am growing fatigued of the whole situation. Asterion talk to me 11:03, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
But you kept asking me to talk to Hipi when he was going too far. I think you could do the same. I agree that sockpuppets should not be allowed to revert, but do not get the versions back to some sockpuppets yourself, as you did once or twice. That helps none. Feeling fatigued at this whole thing. Boris manipulated with my good attitude toward him, badly. I even included him in my msn messenger. what a mistake?!! ilir_pz 13:29, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Go Ahead


First of all you have my "go ahead." What is the situation in Kosovo now that Montenegro wants its independence. Also, is Kosovo going to try to get its own independence soon or will the situtation just cool down.

Thanks, Kseferovic 15:13, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Kseferovic, thanks for dropping a line. Situation in Kosovo now is better than it ever was in its history. The democratic institutions are building up, and getting stronger and stronger. And the awareness that there is no alternative to the independence for Kosovo is increasing in the international community. Now it is not the question if, but when will the independence of Kosovo be formally recognized, this or in the beginning of the next year. As far as Montenegro's independence referendum is concerned, if Montenegro seceedes that is another reason why Kosovo should not be in any kind of federation with Serbia, as its closest allies EVER are leaving that federation. Not sure what you meant by "will the situation cool down". If you explain I might be able to answer to that part. ilir_pz 15:49, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

User notice: temporary 3RR block


Regarding reversions[9] made on May 20 2006 (UTC) to Kosovo

You have been temporarily blocked for violation of the three-revert rule. Please feel free to return after the block expires, but also please make an effort to discuss your changes further in the future.

The duration of the block is 24 hours. William M. Connolley 21:27, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Eh, Ilir


Please talk to me on my talk page, I tend to ignore posts ment to me on other peoples' - it just seems wrong to me.

Also, I just want to note to you that you have been wiki-stalking me. Although I admit that youy haven't been bothering me at all by that, it's still against the Wikipedia policy and most people get banned for. Ofcourse I'm not going to report you (or am I? ;), but you could (if it's not a problem) stop it, please? --HolyRomanEmperor 21:36, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What is wiki-stalking? talk here. ilir_pz 21:41, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I was refering to the typical European stereotypics towards Muslims (being not considered Europeans) at Ksef's page - nothing else.

Situation in Kosovo now is better than it ever was in its history. I don't think that I can agree with that and I think that neither can you. The quasi-Kosovo War still lasts and Kosovo is a disputed territory of Serbia - how can that be better than ever in its history?

Oh, and the most recent results show that Montenegro will not achieve full independence. I was kindah dissapointed myself because of this. Ironicly (I discovered/proved this), it is the Serb(ian)s who are those that want to dissolve Serbia and Montenegro, and the Montenegrins those who want to keep the Union. Also, your comparation is a little weird - as all the other states were in a federation, not a part of it. Cheers, good friend! --HolyRomanEmperor 21:46, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

HRE, I just checked stalking in wiki, and i will cite: Stalking is a legal term for repeated harassment or other forms of invasion of a person's privacy in a manner that causes fear to its target. Statutes vary between jurisdiction but may include such acts as:

  • repeated following;
  • unwanted contact (by letter or other means of communication);
  • observing a person's actions closely for an extended period of time; or
  • contacting family members, friends, or associates of a target inappropriately;

Can you tell me which of these have I done? Report me? for which of these points, or any kind of harrassment? Surprised at your accusation. ilir_pz 21:52, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

About your other points, it is true that the situation in Kosovo is now better than it ever was in its history. Kosovo is not a territory of anyone. Its status is yet to be formally recognized as independent. what you consider is your point of view, my friend. I was not aware that the referendum on independence took place in Montenegro, you seem to know the results. ilir_pz 21:52, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ilir, HRE means Wikistalking I guess, that is "following someone around" in wikipedia (i.e. keeping his contributions on watchlist)Asterion talk to me 22:07, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Since when is getting involved in a discussion considered harrassment? I am sure my talk page is in your "watch" lists. Hence, you are writing to me here. Is that automatically harrassment? ilir_pz 22:24, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No, it's not that. It's checking what he has been editing recently and editing it yourself too. Asterion talk to me 22:50, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I did not know that is a wiki-fellony. I will not anymore. I apologize. ilir_pz 23:30, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

BTW, you better check the 3RR noticeboard... Asterion talk to me 22:08, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah I saw that. Unfortunately some people have tons of sockpuppets, as has been shown recently. And I cannot keep up reverting their horrible edits with one account. Anyways I must keep myself away for some more time, need to deliver my stuff in less than 48 hrs. argh...ilir_pz 22:24, 20 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The term "wiki-stalking" has been coined to describe following a contributor around the wiki, editing the same articles as the target

I mean, whenever I post on someone's talk page something - it's not annoying (you? annoy me? ;) but I just want you to know that other people noticed that (rather than me) and warned (me) about you. --HolyRomanEmperor 11:59, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I will stop participating in the discussions you have with others. I promise. Happy? ilir_pz 20:52, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The referendum didn't take place - it is taking place as we speak. Although, Civil Disorder is threatening, like it's braking out in Niksic; also, the keepers for the Union seem to be outgunning the pro-independists. --HolyRomanEmperor 12:12, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

well, the referendum proved you wrong, my friend, Montenegro became independent. What about that now? And Montenegro can only celebrate being the newest state for only a couple of months more, as Kosovo will take that celebration for New Year's. :)) Cheers. ilir_pz 20:51, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well, I know what many Kosovars want Kosovo to be, but it's currently not that way. It's a part of Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia, if I'm not mistaken). And, this disputed problem as well as still constant disorder (not to mention over 50% unemployment and ever-growing corruption) - how all this make Kosovo in the best period of it's history? You should check the 1968 census - over 75% employed and that's the year of the largest production expansion in Kosovo's history. --HolyRomanEmperor 12:22, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Additionally, I don't think that it could possibly be better than during the 13th-14th centuries. --HolyRomanEmperor 12:42, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

As of now, Serbia and Montenegro does not exist, HRE. Yes you are mistaken in both ways, it is not a part of Serbia either. It is a territory under UN administration. I was talking about security-wise, and human rights-wise, Albanians were never more free, and having the true human rights that any individual deserves. Minorities have their issues. In the Balkans every minority is not treated equally, and are fighting for more rights. I justify the Serb demands in Kosovo for more rights as well, and will be provided with them, once they declare that Prishtina is the capital they have to address their demands. Time will tell. Be patient and see. Patience is gold! ilir_pz 20:51, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

U ktheva


Kam qenë i sëmurë gati një javë, kështu që nuk kam pasur mundësi të kyqem në Wikipedia. A po më tregon se qka ka ndodhur mes teje e "serbianes"? Dëgjova për disa bllokime... --Aeternus 17:34, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Më vjen keq, Petrit, që ke qenë i sëmurë. Shpresoj se je më mirë. Ky pis më ka mashtru, u shitke kishe po kupton e po eshte i paanshem e ne anen tjeter nderrojke artikuj si nacionalist i poshter. E normal qe u desht me u prish e nuk i flas me ketij pisi. S'ka me kta mirë, dihet ajo, po edhe une lujsha hajgare me ta. Të përshendes. ilir_pz 20:44, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It's considered rude to talk about other people in languages they don't understand:) C-c-c-c 19:00, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

None is stopping you from talking in Serbian. You keep doing that anyways. Mind your own business. He was talking to me, and I understand Albanian. ilir_pz 20:44, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

And who did I insult in Serbian? Geez this block is getting to your head. C-c-c-c 21:23, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Who is talking about insulting here? ilir_pz 21:26, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Whatever, but what's with this accusation of Boris being Krytan, and me being a sockpuppet? have you looked at my talk page? There I present sufficient evidence that clears us and also sufficient evidence that may link the many Albanian users out of Priština and the rest of the province of Kosovo. C-c-c-c 22:04, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

whatever. ilir_pz 22:05, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Then please, refrain from accusing people without sufficient evidence, it's called slander:))C-c-c-c 22:08, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

whatever. ilir_pz 22:10, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Do you have a problem with me or something? C-c-c-c 22:21, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Serbia and Montenegro


...well, it still exists. ;) It was 56.3% 55.2% and then 55.8% and 55.1%. Now it is finally 55.3% although it could still change (I'm afraid). The other side announced that it's leading by several votes (I personally hope that they're wrong, although 0.3% is very little). I'll keep my fingers crossed that in the morning, the official estimate will still be over 55% (I hope that you will too, my friend!) --HolyRomanEmperor 22:06, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It is all over news, not sure what sources you are listening to, but Euronews and all international news agencies have reported that the coalition for independence won, and people are celebrating in Montenegro already. Greetings, 22:07, 21 May 2006 (UTC)
Official estimate? When do they actually wind up counting "all" the votes? Christmas? C-c-c-c

Ilir, the results are not final until they are confirmed by the state referendum commission. Stop edit-warring over speculationsand refrain from editing Kosovo, Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro, Albanians, etc to that effect, as you are simply causing edit wars. Thanks, Asterion talk to me 22:26, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Never edited Serbia and Serbia and Montenegro, dont care about those articles. I am not causing any edit wars, I am just stating the facts. ilir_pz 22:48, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I am just saying it was not the right thing to do. Good night, Asterion talk to me 23:05, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

About the other matter - I'm afraid I can't really understand you. Kosovo was a part of Serbia; and it will stop being a part of Serbia when it declares its independence/decides to and/or is internationally recognized (and by its "liege"). However, Kosovo declared its independence in 1990/1992 and was recognized by only one faction - Albania; this declaration was withdrawn/abolished by the 1244 resolution. According to the UN law, Kosovo is a UN-administered territory of Serbia and Montenegro (but its factual under an Albanian Provisinal Self-government). Do you understand where lies my confusion? I don't consider the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus independent, even if the declaration was made long ago and still stands - and how can I then consider Kosovo independent? --HolyRomanEmperor 22:13, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You are making some analogies which are completely irrelevant. Nowhere in my document issued by the international administration does say that Kosovo is a part of Serbia, instead it says "Territory under interim UN administration". The Government of Kosovo has Serbs in it as well, as well as other minorities. I don't think you can call it "Albanian", no matter what your real point is with that statement. Kosova is de-facto independent, the de-jure part is about to be recognized very soon. Accepting the reality is better than pushing toward some point which everyone, but Serbs, is finding funny. G'night. TTYLilir_pz 22:25, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Po edhe argumetimi se Kosova është pjesë e Serbisë së pranar zyrtarisht nga OKB-ja nuk është e saktë. Në Qipro trupat janë si murë ndërmjet dy fraksioneve të një shteti ndërsa Kosova është e pranuar zyrtarisht si teritor i mbrojtur (projektoriat) që ka dalë pas shpërbërjes së një shteti nga i cili deri më tani kanë dalur disa shtete. Teritoret tjera të mbetura të ati shteti të shkatërruar ende nuk janë të pranuara zyrtarisht si shtete normale por temporale për të cilat mbetet të vendoset pas një kohe. Serbia në asnjë dokument të OKB-së nuk është e pranuar si shtet (countrie). Nëse Serbia është shtet (countrie) atëher edhe Kosova është shtet (countrie).

That's because "Serbia" as a country didn't exist at that time, however the Former Yugoslavia did, and then it was "renamed" Serbia and Montenegro, after Montenegro split, Serbia becomes the heir of Former Yugoslavia. Would you like a lawyer? C-c-c-c 22:37, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

whatever. ilir_pz 22:45, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Frustrated? C-c-c-c 22:58, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Shiko këtu është një përmbledhje në një Libër http://sq.wikibooks.org/wiki/Medvegja_n%C3%AB_dit%C3%ABt_tona , dokumentet janë nga Humane Right dhe të Rep. Serbisë si dhe të FDH-së. Ndoshta të hynë në punë në lidhje me qytete Dardane të mbetura nën administrimin e Serbisë --Hipi Zhdripi 05:14, 22 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Do ta shoh me vone, flm Hipi. 11:23, 22 May 2006 (UTC)


Well, your sources do not differ from mine ;) - one Montengrin and one Serbian non-governmental estimate. The real estimate was presented only in 10:00 this morning, and by the Republican government of Montenegro - that's the only one that is valid and official. Serbia and Montenegro still exists until the Montenegrin Premier announces today his famous Speech to Montenegro in 14:30. Then, the future of Montenegro will be announced. --HolyRomanEmperor 12:20, 22 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

About the other matter - you yourself complained often on predicting the future status of Kosovo. Well, marking it independent from Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro) is predicting. ;) Additionally, according to the UN Law, Kosovo is a UN-administered territory of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro - and still, I repeat: when has Kosovo seceded from Serbia? Regards! --HolyRomanEmperor 12:23, 22 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kosovo is not a part of Serbia officiall for about 7 years now. Why can't you just accept the fact? Kosovo has seceeded from Serbia the moment the Serbs got that brutal against Albanians, i.e. 1989. Eversince, I paid taxed to the state of Kosovo. I did not (and do not) give a damn for any other state than that. I do not see any confsing points here. ilir_pz 23:11, 22 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Crna Gora


Evo ti jedan rezime Crne Gore od "pocetka znas-vec-cega" do dan-danas (siguran sam da ce te interesirati).

Socijalisticka Federativna Republika Jugoslavija

Ok HRE, I will read through it and ask if anything is unclear. Find comments in the paragraphs that I need clarifications for. ilir_pz 21:12, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

1990 godine odrzali su se parlamentarni izbori u svim Republikama Socijalisticke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije. Kao i u ostalim clanicama federacije (djelomicno), u Socijalistickoj Republici Crnoj Gori pobedjuje nacionalisticko krilo. Crnogorski politicari velicaju Jugoslaviju i velicaju jugoslovensku centralisticku vlast, pljujuci na separatisticke pokrete koji ovladjivaju u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. Crna Gora nikada nije vrsila veliki uticaj u Saveznom Komitetu, no na novim izborima uspjeva da dobije mnogo "stolica" na Federalnome "Stolu" (koji se saziva da sacuva Jugoslaviju po svaku svrhu), i uspjeva znatno ovladati lokalnim i Republickim vlastima Socijalisticke Republike Srbije. Jos iz 1989 godine, Beogradski SANU memorandum (i baziran na istinitim stvarima ,i pretjeran) je izuzetno uticajno primljen u SR Crnoj Gori, jos je vise uticalo na zblizavanje s centralistickom vlascu i porastu nacionalizma i medjuetnickih mrznji. Nevjerovatnim uspjesima kojima crnogorski politicari zauzimaju apsolutnu vlast u Srbiji (oslanjajuci se na srbijanski/srpski nacionalizam), krecu na daljnju kampanju, smanjivajuci autonomiju Socijalistickih Autonomnih Provincija Vojvodine i Kosova, ali zadrzavajuci njihove "stolice" (cime jos vlasti u Federaciji osvajaju), Crna Gora se uzdize kao vazni faktor novoga doba u Jugoslaviji, promovisuci (propagirajuci) srpski nacionalizam. U Komitetu do sada dominirajuce Slovenske i Hrvatske clanove smjenjuju Crnogorski.

1991 godine dogadja se preokret – crnogorski, srpski i drugi savjeznicki politicari odbijaju da prihvate novog Predsjednika koga Hrvatska namecuje i koji pokusava razjediniti drzavu – namecu sopstvenu vlast u Federalnoj drzavi. Kako je Beograd glavni grad tadasnje Drzave bio, i kako je SR Srbija u mnogo bila superiornija od SR Crne Gore – teziste unitaristickoga pokreta (pod Slobodanom Milosevicem i njegovim savjeznicima) se pomera i potpuno ustanovljuje u Srbiji, koja postaje "branitelj" drzavotvorstva. Nakon Slovenacke krize, u kojoj Slovenija postaje nezavisna drzava od Jugoslavije i "blitz-krig-a", u Crnoj Gori se javlja pokret paralelan Hrvatskoj za nezavisnost od Jugoslavije – jer Srbija pocinje da bosuje Federacijom (a samim tim i SR Crnom Gorom), a i tendencije za nezavisnu Crnu Goru su postojale od nestaka crnogorske drzavnosti.

I did not know this that any independence movement. Who was heading it? ilir_pz 21:12, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No one whatsoever. It was just a general "feeling" amongst some of the populace. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:37, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
mkay. ilir_pz 21:44, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Pocinje i prvo javno "bljuvanje" na Srbiju u Crnoj Gori. Novi nacrt Jugoslavije predlaze ostavljanje Slovenije koja se priblizava Evropi, i prikljucenje Albanije novoj federalnoj drzavi – osnova za to je albanski nacionalni pokret na Kosovu i Metohiji (jos od 1990).

The idea of Albania joining Yugoslavia in a federation was more a 1945-ish idea I thought. Can you find me sources for this? ilir_pz 21:12, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I can scry-up for some sources. You can find it yourself - just search "minus Slovenia, plus Albania" or vice-versa anywhere. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:37, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The "minus Slovenia, plus Albania" refers to "Western Balkans" as a region [10], did not find that idea you were talking about. ilir_pz 21:44, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sve propada odvajanjem Hrvatske i njenim ratom za nezavisnost. Novi stav SR Crne Gore je osnivanje ogromnih vojnih odreda da cuvaju Knin, zauzimaju Vukovar i druge vojne akcije sirom Hrvatske, podrzavajuci Srpsku Autonomnu Oblast Kninski Krajinu, a uskoro i samu Krajinu (kao i druge Srpske Autonomne Regije – Zapadnu Slavoniju i Istocnu Slavoniju, Baranju i Zapadni Srem).

Pored podrzavanja stvaranja Republike Srpske Krajine i njenog odvajanja od Republike Hrvatske (oba 1991), Crnogorske trupe Jugoslovenske Narodne Armije i njeni savjeznici napadaju/bombarduju Dubrovnik i pocinje dugi rat za juznu Dalmaciju, u kome su opljackane/zauzete sve teritorije osim samog grada Dubrovnika i koji ce trajati kroz 1992 godinu. Mnogo unistenja je tu pocinjeno. Crna Gora podrzava 1990/1992 mirnu secesiju Republike Makedonije i njeno priznanje, iako je neustavno (kao i Slovenija i Hrvatska, i iako su nacionalisticki pokreti pobjedili i u Makodoniji – posebno na povredu Albanskoga zivlja). Iste '92 Crna Gora podrzava stvaranje Srpske Autonomne Regije u Bosni i Hercegovini (Bosanska Krajina). BiH se upravo odvojila od SFRJ-a i postala nezavisno priznata (kao i Hrvatska, Slovenija je dobila to mnogo ranije). SR CG podrzava i 3 druge Srpske Autonomne Regije u BiH-u – Semberija, Romanija i Istocna Hercegovina. Protivi se secesiji BiH-a isto kao i secesiji Slovenije. Ogromni vojni odredi napustaju Crnu Goru i druge vojne odrede salju Crnogorski predstavnici da se oformira Srpska Vojska u Bosni i Hercegovini (paralelna Srpskoj Krajisnoj Vojsci i drugim srpskim paramilitarnim odredima) i odvoji Srpska Republika Bosne i Hercegovine. Kao i sto se uvijek protivila bilo kakvim hrvatskim aspiracijama (cije su teritorijalne pretenzije htjele oduzeti Boku Kotorsku i Sandzak od Crne Gore i prikljuciti ih velikoj Hrvatskoj), SR CG se protivila hrvatskom 1990/1991 nacionalnom pokretu Herceg-Bosna u BiH-u i protivi se 1992 nezavisnosti Hrvatske Republike Herceg Bosna od BiH-a.

I did not know about this Croatian movement to take over Sandzak and Boka Kotorska. Can you supply some more info/links? ilir_pz 21:12, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yes - Greater Croatia. The ideology was that the Bay of Kotor was historically and minorily ethnicly Croatian - while the parolle "All Muslims are Croats converted to Islam" was being applied to Sanjak. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:37, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Mkay, I learned something new (which I need to verify, sorry for being so sceptical, I like proofs, I studied exact science :)). ilir_pz 21:44, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Iste godine zazmiruje na deklaraciju nezavisnosti Kosova od strane albanskoga nacionalnog pokreta, bazirano na bitnijim desavanjima na zapadu. Referendumom na koji je izaslo dvije trecine stanovnistva SR Crne Gore, 95% je glasalo za ostajanje u Federalnoj Jugoslaviji. Stvara se Savezna Republika Jugoslavija iste godine pod crnogorskim politicarima na teritoriji Republika Crne Gore i Srbije, a ostale drzave dobijaju nezavisnost (naravno, mir s Hrvatskom i ostalim separatistickim frakcijama). Ovim definiranjem je odlozen crnogorski pokret za nezavisnost i snazna centralisticka drzava stvorena. Onamo, 'namo! postaje polu-zvanicna himna nove Republike Crne Gore, a njena zastava mijenja se zajedno sa i Srbijinom (trobojka crveno-plavo-bijelo izbacuje komunisticku zvijezdu). Zastava FRJ-a je ista (plavo-bijelo-crveno), samo bez komunisticke zvijezde. Jugoslovenski Grb predstavlja "orlovsko" jedinstvo izmedju SSSS-a i Crnogorskoga lava, a himna je ista. Snazna drzavna infrastruktura je oformirana (drzavna i politicka obiljezja) i pocinje ponovo period napretka. Socijalizan je ukinut. Drzava je definisana kao drzava svih njenih gradjana – gdje su Crnogorci najbrojniji, a nacionalne manjine Albanci, Muslimani, Hrvati... (Srbi nisu smatrani odvojenim narodom od Crnogoraca).

Serbs were not considered a nation / or minority in comparison to Montenegrians? I remember that in Kosovo they were, and themselves would explicitly say when they were Montenegrins and not Serbs, and the other way round. Hmm not very much informed how it was in CG. ilir_pz 21:12, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Serbs were not - Serbs are not considered a nation/minority compared to Montenegrins. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:37, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
So (if I may be a bit curious) Montenegro has become an independent country of Serbs that live in Montenegro? Or an independent country of Montenegrins (and other minorities) (but Serbs=Montenegrins..hmmm confused) ilir_pz 21:44, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Savezna Republika Jugoslavija


Iako je napredak Republike Crne Gore u FRJ-u bio prisutan, malcice je tekao sporije nego u Republici Srbiji. Crna Gora je nastavila, sa znatno jacim ucescem nego Srbija da ucestvuje u Jugoslovenskim ratovima, kritizirajuci medjusobne vojne Hrvata prema Srbima i Srba prema Hrvatima u Hrvatskoj (Krajini) i ostro osudjujuci Hrvatsku vojnu u srpskoj Zapadnoj Slavoniji iz 1991 koja je prouzrokovala egzodus i genocid. Ucesce u Hrvatskom gradjanskome ratu se redovito smanjivalo, kao i ucesce u gradjanskom ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini (koje je bilo veliko) sve do 1994 godine, kada UN napusta podrsku Krajisnih Srba (RSK) i otpocinje otvoreni gradjanski rat u Hrvatskoj, i kada SRJ nagovjestava sankcije Srpskoj Republici (RS). Do tada, FRJ je bila pod sankcijama svijeta zbog njenog ucesca u hrvatskim i bosanskim sukobima sto je izuzetno usporilo moguci bum razvitka Crne Gore. Hrvatski genocidi 1992 i 1993 godine u Ravnim kotarima, Gorskim kotarima i Maslenici su jos pogorsali situaciju. Kako su Bosanski Srbi kontrolirali najveci dio Bosne i Hercegovine i bili najmocniji u drzavi – SRJ tu nije trebala direktno da se umijesa – no rat s Hrvatskom bio je sve ocigledniji. Nacionalne manjine su u Crnoj Gori u tom periodu malo ugrozavane (Muslimani, tj Bosnjaci), no oni koji su stvarno bili pod etnickim pritiskom su bili (ocigledno je), Hrvati. Srbi (i Crnogorci) Bosne i Hercegovine su nevjerovatno vecim i brojnijim ratnim zlocinima (pogotovo ciscenje Muslimana iz istocne Bosne i Hercegovine, pomjeranje Hrvata i Muslimana iz Bosanske Krajine i mnogi koncentracioni logori), krsenjima prava (kao npr. opsada prijestolnice Sarajeva) i degradiranjem regularne vojske i neorganizirane paramilitarne odrede – koji su kulminirali sramotnom komandom njihovog vojnog zapovjednika Generala Ratka Mladica i vasionskim zlocinom u Srebrenici su platili podrskom svijeta i samih sebe (svojih savjeznika). Tako se sistematski raspadao plan crnogorskoga politickog vodjstva (ciji su dobrovoljci postali neslavni ratujuci po svim frontovima u Hrvatskoj, i pomalo u Bosni i Hercegovini boreci se za Srpstvo), koji su uspjeli zauzeti i Republiku Srpsku, dospevajuci na vrh predstavnistva Srpskog Vijeca Bosne i Hercegovine (Predsjednik Radovan Karadzic). Crnogorski politicari su uveli FRJ ponovo u svijet, no uspjeli su isforsirati proktektorat (na podrsku Srbije) krnjega ostatka Istocne Slavonije, Baranje i Zapadnoga Srema pod srpskom kontrolom kao poslijednja podrska Hrvatskim Srbima (i Crnogorcima). Hrvatski napad na te teritorija Republike Srpske Krajine bi bio smatran ratom s Jugoslavijom i Hrvatska bi ispala "bad guy". 1992 je prihvacen Vance-Owen-ov mir u Hrvatskoj Krajini, no 1994 crnogorski izaslanici pogrijesno savjetuju srpsko izaslanstvo iz RSK-a da odbije Z-4 plan – kojim usudjuju srpsku civilizaciju u Hrvatskoj na propast. No, dolaskom 1995, Hrvatska ofanziva "Blijesak" zavrsava srpsku civilizaciju u Zapadnoj Slavoniju. Ova ofenziva nije stigla da bude osudjena u Crnoj Gori prije nove ofenzive – "Oluja" – koja unistava Krajinu i pokrece jedan masovni egzodus srpskoga stanovnistva u Hrvatskoj. Sada se i Albanci javno ukljucuju u anti-srpske frontove zbog ignoriranja Kosmeta i centralizma koje je (mozemo sada reci crnogorsko politicko vodjstvo) zavelo na Autonomnoj Provinciji Srbije (sjeti se Agina Ceku-a). Stezanjem obruca sve teze i teze oko srpskoga pokreta nastaju sumnje i padovi – zasniveni nacrt Crne Gore o mogucoj velikoj Srbiji do linije Vukovar-Karlovac-Karlobag na zapadu po nalogu Srpske Radikalne Stranke Vojislava Seselja. Rat protiv Bosanskih Srba zestoko napreduje cisteci srpsko stanovnistvo i napredujuci do Banja Luke. Bosnjaci su 1992 godine prekrsili mirovni sporazum koje su sve tri strane potpisale. 1993 godine Srbi su odbili mirovni sporazum jer je zahtjevao predaju velikoga dijela srpskih teritorija, a 1994 godine Bosnjaci su odbili dva mirovna sporazuma, pod tvrdnjom da se Bosanski rat moze dobiti vojno i racunajuci na eventualni pad srpske strane – kao i savjez s Hrvatima u Federaciju. 1995 godine Daytonski sporazum je zavrsio rat u Bosni i Hercegovini – 51% Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine (iz hrvatskih i bosnjackih kantona) i Republika Srpska – 49%. Mir je ocuvao srpsku dominaciju nad Crnom Gorom, jer je odlozio sumnje u tadasnju Jugoslovensku vlast (a Slodoban ispao heroj). Tome je doprineo ogroman broj Srba i drugih koji su izbjegli u Crnu Goru protjerani iz zemalja zapadno od rijeke Drine, kao i cinjenica da je na muslimansku stranu u bosanskome ratu ucestvovao ogroman broj Islamskih terorista i drugih zemalja sirom svijeta, pogotovo iz arapskih zemalja (Mudjahedini) – to je izazvalo mrznju prema Islamu. Crna Gora je ipak, zauzela jedan dvosmislen stav – bilo je: ili: ici na sve i ako Srbija pobjedi u njenim planovima stati uz nju u svakom slucaju – ili: ako Srbija i srpski pokret pocne gubiti, okrenuti se i napustiti ga – vracajuci se pokretu za nezavisnost od Jugoslavije.

Holy dude. this is a lot of text. will try to read it some time.did you write it all? or you got it from somewhere? how about citing? or you ar violating copyright?ilir_pz 23:00, 22 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I wrote it myself. I francly chose Serb(o-Croat)ian over English because it's really easier to type that much text. If you can' understand - if that's the problem - just inform me, please. I would very much like your comments (as soon as possible!). --HolyRomanEmperor 13:44, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A little past that rule hey?


seems like you've been bad Ilir, more than 3 reverts is just not justifiable, even in the name of Albanian Propaganda. C-c-c-c 21:59, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

By the way, here is my IP: And here is also,, also known as milkman1042. Kind of getting ahead of yourself there aren't you? Is this sufficient evidence in Albania, I'm just wondering because really...and if you look at the last edit made on it, that can't be even you could agree with that. If I was knocking on your door you'd still think it was me, editing out of the Barbados. C-c-c-c 22:06, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I am sure you are using several IP's and usernames to make me cross the rule. But I am just getting back the legitimate sources and categories, not protecting any propaganda, for the difference from you. Your days are counted, soon you will be blocked indefinitely. ilir_pz 22:20, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Several IP's and usernames? Funny..it seems that the only people who have recently changed anything are User C-c-c-c (me), you, someone else in Canada, somebody else in some other country. Please don't accuse me of things I haven't done, consider the fact that a User Check was done on me recently, at the request of you guys, and nothing was ever found. When will you be satisfied? C-c-c-c 22:36, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The admin that checked you and the others, said (quote) "C-c-c-c and Bormalgurski are both using static Shaw Communications cable service IPs; there is no doubt that SerbianMafia is connected directly to C-c-c-c. Whether the two are, as indicated above, (most likely) the same user or (less likely) two users coordinating thier disruption, both are violating Wikipedia policy by the abusive use of sockpuppet accounts." . So it is not nothing after all? ilir_pz 22:42, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Personal Space


I'm sorry, but are you paying to use it? C-c-c-c 22:17, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well then can I edit your userpage? --Telex 22:20, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No, you cannot, for that you can get banned, editing others' personal pages without their consent is vandalism and you get blocked for it. ilir_pz 22:21, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Well that IP is likely an open proxy (note how the quotes were changed to /, that is the mark of an open proxy), so that is interesting. But the 3RR does not apply to simple vandalism, and because the page is being distorted by all the /s, just revert it and ask the IP why (s)he is removing the link. If there is no answer and the reverts continue, let me know.

Prodego talk 22:38, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I will let you know. Thanks. ilir_pz 22:39, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Remember though, that anything that isn't simple vandalism is covered in the 3RR. Glad I could help, Prodego talk 22:46, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
(edit conflict) I don't agree with sticking a ton of backslashes in it, it makes it hard to read. However Ilir, you have to look at this with a neutral point of view. Resolution 1244 says "..autonomous regioin within the Former Yugoslavia". We're not saying the UN orginally said Kosovo is in Serbia, just that present day Former Yugoslavia, is Serbia and Montenegro, until Montenegro officially becomes independent, then Serbia becomes the heir. It's just common sense, not nationalism. Alright? C-c-c-c 22:49, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
That has to go through UN security council, not according to your logic or preference. ilir_pz 22:51, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The Former Yugoslavia is Serbia and Montenegro, no borders changed, only the names changed Ilir. Think about it. It's not based on preference. Did the UN also say that areas with an Albanian majority have a priority over the Serbian names of those areas? I don't think so, so what are you using but logic in deciding that here on Wikipedia? C-c-c-c 23:02, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Borders have changed in the past, changed recently with Montenegro becoming independent, and will change again in November when Kosovo is officially de-jure recognized as independent. Seems like you do not have much info about borders in this region. I do not blame you. ilir_pz 23:04, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Correction, political borders haven't changed in former Yugo since 1944/1945 - with the exception of the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the numerious 1990s border changes that have been all undone - and hopefully will not be changed again. Montenegro has also, not become independent.
Kosovo is in Serbia Ilir, no matter what you really think:))

Ah, is that a personal attack I sense? The fact is, as much as I'd like to say Serbia is independent of Montenegro right now..it isn't. Until Montenegro "becomes" an "actual" sovereign nation, it is still Serbia and Montenegro (and Kosovo is still part of that:))))))). Talking about geography, I would advise you take a peak at this.... ) C-c-c-c 00:25, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

And what are you trying to prove by this pic? it merely measures the distance from Prizren to Prishtina, and it says that Kosovo is administered by UN. Not sure what did I say different from this :)? ilir_pz 08:34, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
If you look closely Ilir, you'll realize what it says. I'll give you a hint, look for green text right below Prizren.:))))C-c-c-c 21:55, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
whatever. :) ilir_pz 21:57, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
In that case there may not be consensus to add the link, if someone reverts your change to an article then you should not revert it, and instead discuss the reason you added it and the reason they removed it on the page's talk page. Of course simple vandalism (like blanking the page or writing "YOU SUCK") is exempt. Prodego talk 22:54, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, again. ilir_pz 23:04, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Ilir, I would like to give you one more last chance to stop pushing your nationalist beliefs and agenda on this Wikipedia. The edit war will not stop untill you stop, and you know it. Everyone is willing to discuss, you claim to be willing to discuss, yet you try to cut off everyone who has a different opinion than you do. Take a break, cool down, or else this will not turn out well. -- serbiana - talk 00:07, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

[11] Admins finding "Bormalgurski is responsible for the User:IIir pz account, blocked for vandalism and impersonation.". I discuss with people who have a little respect for me, not with you anymore. You are not welcome to write to me as I said a long time ago. We might find ourselves discussing a commong point elsewhere. NOT HERE. By the way, you are not anyone to warn me. No further comment. ilir_pz 08:41, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I'm working on articles about the municipalities of the Republic of Macedonia, but cose I do not know albanian I may need help to write the names of the bilingual municipalities in albanian too, so I tought you maight help me, If you want. Please respond me on my user talk page.---Vlatko 17:18, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Well, I trust you - wouldn't it be sufficient that you give something back in return? ;) Anyways, I guarrantee the correctness of the info I posed there to the upmost height - if you need clarification of one/two thingies or even sources for yourself regarding something - please tell me.

You say that Kosovo has sceded from Serbia when it became violent to the Albanians - but when did, let's say - the three Serbian districts on the north of Kosovo secede? Are you now saying that the map of a Kosovo "independent of Serbia" should be an ethnic map of Albanian-inhabited territories of Kosovo (excluding non-Albanian)?

P. S. Boris also attacked me. I think that the preliminary results of the Montenegrin independence referendum are affecting him badly. ;) --HolyRomanEmperor 17:29, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You don't have to trust me, trust the credible sources , written by people who eventually are more competent. No offense. But I will take my time and read thoroughly on what you wrote, and let you know if that fits the information I was provided on the issues.
I am not sure I understood your second part. You either ask it with lots of irony, and I refuse to answer such questions, or you are complicating the question too much. Clarification would be appreciated, better than I answer wrongly.
p.s. I completely ignore those who attack me. Works fine. I suggest you do the same, do not feed the trolls. Greetings.ilir_pz 20:05, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Concerning the recent change in Kosovo: isn't it still officially a 'de jure' part of Serbia, under UN administration? well, it is. so why u are removing it? --Hectorian 22:35, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I appreciate your personal opinion, but I don't have to repeat myself thousand times. follow the talk page please. Thank you, ilir_pz 22:42, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I have followed the talk page and i am not expressing my POV. my POV may be different than my edits. --Hectorian 22:58, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I prefer to update myself, Hectorian. The articles you are citing are older than the one I am providing. And what I am providing is not fabricated by Albanians, but it is approved by the international community. ilir_pz 22:59, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I am sorry, but i have not heard in the news, show on the net or read in newspapers that Kosovo has officially broke away from Serbia. it is still considered part of Serbia by all organisations and states in the world, and noone disputes that it is under UN administration. That's all. why don't u wait for some time before u make these changes? maybe soon u will have every reason to do so... --Hectorian 23:12, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I am providing documents valid as of now, Hectorian. When the time comes, these documents will be invalid, including the constitutional framework. It will be a constitution, not frameworked. For that, I will wait. ilir_pz 23:23, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
That's all i am saying. Look, i am not against u or the Albanians (quite the contrary), i just want to keep the article compatible with current politics. i want to believe that u did not rv the it cause u want to keep it NPOV (and not cause of fear of breaking the 3RR). i hope that when Kosovo becomes independent, other users will also think this way. Regards --Hectorian 00:09, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I do not perceive you being against Albanians, if you have some other information that I have. You are far from that. I never revert because of keeping NPOV, or from 3RR, only when I think I have sufficient claims and sources to prove I am right. I try to discuss as much as possible, but obviously some people do not prefer that way. best, ilir_pz 00:14, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Do you see whom I have to deal with here? :) ilir_pz 00:34, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The resolution 1244 (according to the link-thanks!-u send me) is talking about the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which later became Serbia and Montenegro and by the end of this year it will be Serbia. since Montenegro has no claim over Kosovo, and since the area was part of the socialist republic of Serbia (in the former Yugoslavia), then Serbia is the successor of the 'claims' or claims over Kosovo. the resolution is active, isn't it? when the negotiations over the future of Kosovo will come to an end, this paper will be forgotten in history... --Hectorian 01:11, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Looking forward to that day. ilir_pz 01:12, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I bet u are! Just do not rush...:) --Hectorian 01:21, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I waited more than a decade. :). Thanks for the talk, Annan-acting-Hectorian :))ilir_pz 01:23, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
LOL, thanks for the talk too. but if u call me Annan-acting again, i will take it as an insult:p (i am Greek, remember:)...) --Hectorian 01:29, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
He is not my favourite either, I was just using it figuratively, hence the "acting" part :). Sorry if it was offensive. ilir_pz 01:31, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No problem:)...(btw, i fixed on talk:Kosovo what i really meant). Ciao--Hectorian 01:38, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Friendly advice


I really think you should get a break away from Kosovo articles and try to edit unrelated subjects. This will help you gain experience and defuse the tense situation you seem to be into at this point. I also agree with what Prodego said to you further up. Two people edit-war if they both want to. Why not trying to write about music or any of your hobbies, you will learn to value wikipedia more than as a method to express your view on controversial issues. Regards, E Asterion u talking to me? 00:24, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the advice, Asterion. I was already working on slightly changing my scope of interest. I also agreed with Prodego. 00:26, 25 May 2006 (UTC)

Personal page


I can most certainly appreciate your situation, and I'm more than willing to help, but you have to help out, too. I ask that you communicate with them as you would any other editor, and if they make more personal attacks, bring it to the attention of myself or another admin. With any luck, they will see the errors of their ways and start being more respectful, but if not, they will be dealt with, and either way, the situation is then resolved. --InShaneee 01:15, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Trust me, it can work. I've seen it work dozens of times with users for more difficult to work with then those two. Just keep assuming good faith, and report and blatant infractions of policy to an admin such as myself. --InShaneee 01:22, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kosovo Page


The Kosovo page is highly slanted towards Serbs. Have you been working on it at all? There is no way this page is going to remain like this. "Alleged execution of civilians in Recak"? No talk about mosque destruction when 200 of them were raised to the ground No mention of the notorious massacres ( other than Recak) 2,800 people of Serb origin are still missing? Baloney. I will be busy in the next couple of weeks giving this page a sense of sanity. I haven't looked at it in while and sure enough it has been high jacked by the Serb propaganda machine. The whole thing is slanted! Ferick 03:10, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You are also welcome to contribute with your edits. nuk mundem krejt vetem Ferick. There is so much to edit, and people keep reverting like crazy. And there are quite many that have more than one account, so they keep reverting using them, and I, with one, often fall a victim of the 3RR, and get blocked because I try to stop those sockpuppets.ilir_pz 10:36, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, so now I have a RELIABLE source that catalogues the destruction of mosques and other cultural property in Kosovo. Of 500 mosques that were in use before the war, 200 of them were destroyed completely, vandalized or defecated by Serb forces.Another words made useless. [12] Anybody disagree that this fact should be put on the article?

Serb Crimes in Kosovo (That should appear more visibly in the article):

Torture chambers found in the Serb Police Headcounters [13] A VILLAGE DESTROYED: War Crimes in Kosovo [14]

Gornje Obrinje—Shelled to Death [15]

Alleged civilians killed in Recak?

BALKAN WITNESS: Articles on the Kosovo Conflict [16]

Recak report finds Serbs guilty: Forensics show 45 victims were unarmed civilians


How many Serbs are still missing in Kosovo? 2,800? How about 500? 3,000 missing in Kosovo [18]

Interestingly enough, none of these reports were compiled by Albanians …..HINT HINT HINT. 19:26, 26 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Ilir, pse nuk bën të shtyhem me atë? E di se është humbje kohe, ama, unë s'i kam thënë atij asgjë me javë të tëra. Ai s'po din mu nal. Ama mu s'po më pengon kjo. Le të thotë çka të dojë. Ia kam fshirë të gjitha fjalët që i ka shkruar në talk-in tim. Nejse, thanx për këshilla. A mundesh me ma spjegu se çka po don ai prej meje? Të përshëndes, Aeternus 16:23, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



You said: Kosovo has seceeded from Serbia the moment the Serbs got that brutal against Albanians, i.e. 1989. Eversince, I paid taxed to the state of Kosovo. But, out of total 30 Kosovan municipalities, 6 were non-Albanian (5 were Serbian). Wouldn't logic say that only 24 Albanian-populated districts seceded from Serbia and the remainder remained? Do you understand what I mean? This is the nth time that you call me using irony - and yet I never used it since the moment I came to wiki.

I was talking about morally and de-facto. Not the internationally recognized de-jure one. From 1991 me and my compatriots, Albanians, lived in a different country..which we considered occupied by Milosevic's forces. ilir_pz 21:02, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I will deal with the history as promised. Just keep a little patient. ;)

P. S. I am still waiting for comments on my description on Montenegro's most recent history. --HolyRomanEmperor 20:35, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, sorry, there were only 29 municipalities - 23 Albanian-populated were then.

It is hereby, to my opinion, that several municipalites of Kosovo, should there be a Kosovar independence (the 3 municipalities at the north of Kosovo most certainly to be among them) must secede from Kosovo democraticly and join Serbia proper. --HolyRomanEmperor 20:41, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interesting proposal. So you propose division of Kosovo. what about Gracanica, Novobrdo? They are not in the north, but are populated by mainly Serbs. Should they be left in the independent Kosovo? Oh and if there is separation to happen (which the Contact group was strongly opposed to) then the unjust that Tito did, to not incorporate Preshevo valley with Kosovo, to try to keep some population balance, should be reverted. Hence, should the north of Kosovo is appended to Serbia, the areas populated by Albanian majority in the south of Serbia would be attached to Kosovo. This is the scenario that the international community has in mind when throwing down secession option. ilir_pz 21:02, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Aha, I think that I finally understand what you mean - but answer me this (I'll understand dependeing on your answer), was the Српска република Босне и Херцеговине independent in 1992-1995? --HolyRomanEmperor 21:17, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The place is what its people feel like. If the majority feels and supports that with their everyday activities, what an occupator does in the meantime is meaningless, in a Ghandian fashion, so to speak. That is how it worked in Kosovo for more than 15 yrs, at least. Not sure with the example you gave to me. (as always) I do not prefer to speculate. Are you mentioning a period of time when some territory of BiH was under Serbian control, and hence worked independently from the rest during that (war) time? Where is the analogy? ilir_pz 21:22, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Why can't you answer me so that I can understand? Do you think that the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia was independent from Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992-1994 and the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina independent from BiH in 1992-1995? --HolyRomanEmperor 21:42, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yo, I am trying to answer. Speculating and giving rushy answers is not my thing, when I do not know exactly the situation. My guess is that the republics you mentioned were created during the wars, and they were gained territories as a result of that. I still do not see the analogy with Kosovo. Sorry for being slow. ilir_pz 21:51, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

About the municipality


Thanx for the acceptance of helping me, i will soon provide with a list of the names to translate in albanian, these days it will be. Thanx.--->>><<< 01:46, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No problem. ilir_pz 21:48, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]