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User talk:Mdupont/OpenLetterToFreeSoftwareCommunities

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  • Don't start off with something negative like "Albania has been historically cut off from the world". It's definitelly good to point it out but you can still do this later in the letter.
  • "A lot of the people in the region do not have good skills in reading and writing English, and having to use texts written in English is difficult. The plan is to produce introductory videos so that people don't have to read but can watch and listen. The ideal is to have the text spoken and written so that we can create localised videos based on that."
This should also be expanded. What do we want to translate? Be more precise, after all these people don't exactly know what we mean.
We want to translate the videos from the speakers who send a video instead of coming. James Michael DuPont 10:48, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
  • About the two conferences. I think it would be wise to also do some kind of beginners workshop. If we were able to get some speakers in the OpenData and OpenGovernment area we might do some very attractive workshops for non-techies.
We would like to have workshops as well, they are invited. James Michael DuPont 10:48, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
About opendata and gov, we should add those speakers/projects to the list. James Michael DuPont 10:48, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
We should also emphasis the video recording of the event much more. Considering that you emphasized that people cannot travel due to financial reasons videos and social media such as Facebook should be integrated.


  • "Flossal, Flossk and Uni Vlore" should be the order. Link directly to their sites?
  • "a meeting point for a network of individuals, associations and companies with the aim of sponsoring and initiating projects"
This is why I think we should do more workshop-like events. I'm definitely going to send my propositions to the mailing list.

Projects to contact


We definitely need to expand and refine this section.

Considering that video (especially music video) companies are really starting to go through the roof in Kosova and ALbania I think it would be smart to contact the Lightworks guys.

Flossk Team integration


I would ask other FLOSS communities for their input on this. Experience counts.