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User talk:Mfmasson/sandbox

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Great work - reviewer comments are spot-on below. Please revise accordingly and let me know if you have any questions. Well done!--Amille75 (talk) 04:57, 7 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

a) General Comments

i) The main take home message of this article is that Psathyrostachys juncea is highly nutritious. However, in order for this crop to germinate there have to be certain conditions present. If the seedling vigor can be improved, this crop can be used as a future food source. Since this crop has evolutionary relationships with wheat, wheat can be improved through hybridizing Psathyrostachys juncea and wheat.

ii) I really liked how this contribution is well set-up. It starts off introducing the topic of how Psathyrostachys juncea is high in nutrition. Then it goes into talking about the germination problems this crop faces and how improving seedling vigor can change this problem. Lastly, it ends with the importance of this crop in an evolutionary context. A suggestion I do have is to use the phrase “in order words” fewer times in the contribution. It is used three times, and I think replacing this phrase with a stronger transition can further strengthen the contribution.

iii) As far as I can tell, there is nothing in the contribution that does not make sense.

iV) While reading this contribution, I did have the following question: what is the importance of stating how this crop can survive in harsh environments to this contribution? I would suggest maybe expanding more on this topic to tie it into germination and seedling vigor.

b) Grammer

i) Suggestions: 1. Place a comma after “animals” in sentence 1 of paragraph 1. 2. Add the word “a” between “also” and “drought” in sentence 2 of paragraph 1. 3. In paragraph 2 sentence 8, maybe change to “breeding programs have been moving away from diploid cultivars and have begun to breed.” 4. In paragraph 2 sentence 14, maybe change to “florets in a spikelet, not more seeds per spikelet, increased seed.” 5. Maybe change the last word of the contribution to “other” instead of “others.”

ii) Yes, all scientific names are written correctly, italicized with the genus name capitalized and the specific epithet starts with a lower case.

c) References

i) Yes, there are five distinct references.

ii) Yes, each of the references is from a scientific journal.

iii) For each of the six references used in the 500 word contribution, I would suggest editing the citations to remove all parts of the citation after the page number part of the citation (i.e. the parts including and after “doi”). Nedavall (talk) 17:38, 21 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

a. General comments: i. What is the main take home message of this article?

    1.	Psathyrostachys juncea could possibly be a good crop candidate for livestock. It has some implications specifically regarding its germination requirements. Overall the species shows some promise with ways to overcome the germination issue and potentially could be used as a human source of food.

ii. What do you like about this Wikipedia contribution? What do you dislike?

    1.	I thought it flowed well and brought up good crop qualities the plant has but also touches on some areas that it needs work in. I liked that it was different from others that focused on a plant as a source of food for humans and rather for animals that we probably consume.

iii. Is there anything written that doesn’t make sense?

    1.	I was a little confused about the part touching on spiklets and florets, I wasn’t sure what each meant

iv. What questions do you have as you are reading the text? Be specific.

    1.	My question is similar to above, what are spiklets and tillers?

b. Grammar i. Do you see any spelling errors? Are there any periods or commas that are missing or out-of-place?

    1.	Water shouldn’t be capitalized in the second to last sentence of the 2nd paragraph.
    2.	I would insert a “the” after during and before cool season at the end of the third sentence in the 1st paragraph

ii. Are all scientific names written correctly, italicized with the genus name capitalized and the specific epithet starting with a lower case?

    1.	No in the last sentence of the whole thing it is spelled P. jucea when it should be P. juncea 

c. References i. Are there five distinct references?

    1.	Yes

ii. Are each of the references from a scientific journal?

    1.	Yes

iii. Are the references cited correctly?

    1.	I don’t think you need the doi after every resource.  

Srowse16 (talk) 02:25, 24 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]