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Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Analytic/Popular pages

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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Analytic along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-08-01 to 2024-08-31

Total views: 1,033,339

Updated: 01:58, 9 September 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Ship of Theseus 80,096 2,583 C High
2 Bertrand Russell 62,561 2,018 B High
3 Principia Mathematica 54,182 1,747 C High
4 Consciousness 46,862 1,511 GA High
5 Ludwig Wittgenstein 45,934 1,481 B High
6 Analytic philosophy 29,714 958 C High
7 Chinese room 26,781 863 B High
8 Daniel Dennett 22,456 724 C Mid
9 John Rawls 19,776 637 C High
10 Jurisprudence 19,045 614 C High
11 The Lucifer Effect 14,379 463 Start Mid
12 William Lane Craig 12,112 390 B Low
13 Alfred North Whitehead 11,631 375 GA High
14 Charles Sanders Peirce 11,083 357 B High
15 Natural language 10,715 345 C High
16 Logical positivism 10,548 340 C High
17 Communication studies 10,211 329 Start High
18 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 10,064 324 C High
19 Isaiah Berlin 10,053 324 C Mid
20 Douglas Hofstadter 9,731 313 C Mid
21 Thomas Kuhn 9,309 300 C Mid
22 Gottlob Frege 9,249 298 C High
23 Charles Taylor (philosopher) 9,166 295 C Mid
24 Bullshit 8,911 287 C Mid
25 Willard Van Orman Quine 8,350 269 C High
26 Analysis 7,548 243 C Low
27 John Searle 7,448 240 B Mid
28 Gilbert Ryle 7,326 236 C Mid
29 Ernst Mach 7,018 226 C Mid
30 Logical disjunction 6,969 224 Start Mid
31 Richard Rorty 6,938 223 B High
32 Speech act 6,875 221 Start Mid
33 Alvin Plantinga 6,740 217 B Mid
34 David Lewis (philosopher) 6,587 212 C Mid
35 Harriet Martineau 6,383 205 B Low
36 Thomas Nagel 6,273 202 Start Mid
37 Cooperative principle 6,168 198 C Low
38 Jason Stanley 6,019 194 C Mid
39 Philosophical Investigations 6,005 193 B High
40 Philippa Foot 5,861 189 C Mid
41 Process philosophy 5,719 184 Start Mid
42 Experience machine 5,670 182 Start Low
43 Nonexistent objects 5,345 172 Start Mid
44 Analytic–synthetic distinction 5,058 163 C High
45 Formal grammar 5,033 162 C Low
46 G. E. M. Anscombe 5,014 161 C Mid
47 Modality (semantics) 4,922 158 B High
48 A. J. Ayer 4,912 158 C Mid
49 G. E. Moore 4,814 155 C Mid
50 Donald Davidson (philosopher) 4,553 146 Start Mid
51 J. L. Austin 4,442 143 C Mid
52 Vienna Circle 4,386 141 B High
53 Quietism (philosophy) 4,272 137 Start Low
54 Derek Parfit 4,180 134 C Mid
55 A. C. Grayling 4,111 132 B Mid
56 Jonathan Dancy 4,044 130 C Mid
57 Rudolf Carnap 3,903 125 C High
58 Counterfactual conditional 3,854 124 C Mid
59 Frank Ramsey (mathematician) 3,831 123 C Mid
60 Paul Churchland 3,828 123 C Mid
61 Naming and Necessity 3,775 121 Start Mid
62 H. L. A. Hart 3,593 115 C Mid
63 John Hospers 3,502 112 C Low
64 Principle of charity 3,482 112 Stub Mid
65 Bernard Williams 3,387 109 B Mid
66 Emotivism 3,348 108 C Mid
67 Modal realism 3,177 102 C Low
68 Verificationism 3,122 100 C High
69 Moritz Schlick 2,955 95 C Mid
70 Linguistic turn 2,944 94 Start High
71 Direct and indirect realism 2,887 93 C High
72 Use–mention distinction 2,855 92 C Mid
73 Presupposition 2,825 91 Start Mid
74 Paul Grice 2,793 90 C Mid
75 Stanley Cavell 2,737 88 C Mid
76 Wilfrid Sellars 2,540 81 C Mid
77 Nonsense 2,485 80 Start Mid
78 Definiteness 2,476 79 B Low
79 Stephen Yablo 2,459 79 Start Mid
80 Picture theory of language 2,449 79 Start Mid
81 Mental representation 2,366 76 C High
82 T. M. Scanlon 2,326 75 C Mid
83 Naïve realism 2,306 74 C High
84 Ordinary language philosophy 2,290 73 Start Mid
85 Hypothetico-deductive model 2,270 73 C Mid
86 Private language argument 2,233 72 B Mid
87 Philosophical analysis 2,221 71 Start High
88 Formal semantics (natural language) 2,183 70 Start High
89 Michael Dummett 2,161 69 B Low
90 Harry Frankfurt 2,152 69 C Mid
91 Logical form 2,149 69 Start High
92 Analytic reasoning 2,110 68 Start Mid
93 I. J. Good 2,050 66 C Mid
94 Jerry Fodor 2,022 65 GA Mid
95 Logicism 2,013 64 C High
96 Alvin Goldman 1,991 64 Start Mid
97 Ian Hacking 1,987 64 C Mid
98 J. L. Mackie 1,982 63 Start Mid
99 Importance 1,977 63 B Mid
100 Darwin's Dangerous Idea 1,951 62 Start Mid
101 Mario Bunge 1,936 62 C Mid
102 Richard von Mises 1,936 62 C Low
103 On Denoting 1,913 61 B Mid
104 Family resemblance 1,898 61 B Mid
105 Arthur Danto 1,876 60 Start Mid
106 Overdetermination 1,816 58 Start Low
107 Peter van Inwagen 1,791 57 Start Mid
108 P. F. Strawson 1,753 56 C Mid
109 Utility monster 1,739 56 C Low
110 Propositional attitude 1,715 55 Start High
111 Patricia Churchland 1,713 55 C Mid
112 The Logic of Scientific Discovery 1,699 54 Start High
113 Two Dogmas of Empiricism 1,667 53 C Mid
114 Anthony Kenny 1,665 53 C Mid
115 John Hick 1,647 53 C Mid
116 Susan Haack 1,629 52 C Mid
117 Philosophy of technology 1,624 52 Start High
118 Graham Priest 1,613 52 Stub Mid
119 Doxastic logic 1,569 50 Start Low
120 Otto Neurath 1,560 50 C Mid
121 New riddle of induction 1,528 49 Start Mid
122 Stephen Toulmin 1,508 48 C Mid
123 Jan Łukasiewicz 1,491 48 C Low
124 Nelson Goodman 1,465 47 Start Mid
125 Judith Jarvis Thomson 1,445 46 C Mid
126 Timothy Williamson 1,442 46 C Mid
127 Begriffsschrift 1,419 45 C Mid
128 C. I. Lewis 1,396 45 C Mid
129 Actualism 1,373 44 Start Low
130 Ostensive definition 1,369 44 Stub Low
131 Carl Gustav Hempel 1,356 43 Start Mid
132 Value pluralism 1,353 43 Start Low
133 Joseph Raz 1,349 43 C Mid
134 Toby Ord 1,348 43 C Low
135 Logical atomism 1,311 42 Start Mid
136 Ultrafinitism 1,297 41 Start Low
137 Christine Korsgaard 1,256 40 Start Mid
138 Jason Brennan 1,234 39 Start Low
139 Expressivism 1,209 39 Start Low
140 Bas van Fraassen 1,185 38 C Mid
141 Indeterminacy of translation 1,183 38 Start Low
142 David Malet Armstrong 1,149 37 B Mid
143 Hans Reichenbach 1,147 37 C Mid
144 Nicholas Rescher 1,109 35 C Mid
145 Language, Truth, and Logic 1,102 35 Start Mid
146 Peter Geach 1,087 35 Start Mid
147 Neurophilosophy 1,075 34 Start Mid
148 Luciano Floridi 1,070 34 C Mid
149 Tsang Lap Chuen 1,059 34 C Low
150 Breaking the Spell (Dennett book) 1,054 34 C Low
151 Elizabeth S. Anderson 1,024 33 C Mid
152 On Certainty 1,016 32 Stub Low
153 Deontic modality 994 32 Stub Mid
154 Max Black 993 32 Start Mid
155 John Lucas (philosopher) 985 31 C Low
156 Montague grammar 943 30 C Unknown
157 Jaakko Hintikka 938 30 Start Mid
158 Generalized quantifier 935 30 Start Low
159 Colin McGinn 932 30 Start Low
160 Extension (semantics) 925 29 C Mid
161 C. D. Broad 925 29 Start Mid
162 Blue and Brown Books 914 29 Start Mid
163 The View from Nowhere 914 29 Stub Low
164 Explanandum and explanans 900 29 Stub Low
165 Open-question argument 896 28 Start Mid
166 Wittgenstein's ladder 894 28 Start Low
167 Epistemic modality 892 28 Start Mid
168 Georg Henrik von Wright 866 27 Start Mid
169 Frank Cameron Jackson 853 27 C Mid
170 Descriptivist theory of names 842 27 Start Mid
171 Roderick Chisholm 841 27 C Mid
172 Kwasi Wiredu 841 27 C Mid
173 Karl Menger 819 26 Start Low
174 Wirth syntax notation 816 26 Start Low
175 Hans Hahn (mathematician) 811 26 Start Low
176 Crispin Wright 809 26 Start Mid
177 Alexander Pruss 802 25 Start Low
178 Extended modal realism 802 25 Start Low
179 Kieran Setiya 795 25 Stub Low
180 Explication 766 24 Start Low
181 Analytical Thomism 763 24 Start Low
182 Temperature paradox 762 24 Stub Low
183 Peter Bieri (author) 757 24 Start Low
184 William Alston 748 24 C Mid
185 Plato's beard 742 23 Start Low
186 Kit Fine 736 23 Start Mid
187 Iusnaturalism 733 23 Start Low
188 Postanalytic philosophy 731 23 Start Low
189 David Kaplan (philosopher) 728 23 C Low
190 Principia Ethica 724 23 Start Mid
191 Sarah Coakley 722 23 C Low
192 Positivism dispute 718 23 Stub Low
193 Class (philosophy) 708 22 Start Low
194 Linguistic philosophy 701 22 Stub Mid
195 Inscrutability of reference 701 22 Start Mid
196 The Mind's I 683 22 Start Mid
197 Depiction 677 21 C Mid
198 Counterpart theory 668 21 C Low
199 Philosophy of engineering 665 21 Start Mid
200 Arif Ahmed (philosopher) 663 21 Start Low
201 Sally Haslanger 656 21 C Mid
202 Cora Diamond 649 20 Start Low
203 Direct reference theory 647 20 Start Mid
204 Peter Hacker 647 20 B Mid
205 Free choice inference 647 20 Stub Low
206 Alva Noë 640 20 Stub Mid
207 Word and Object 631 20 Start Mid
208 Ernest Sosa 616 19 C Mid
209 Norman Malcolm 610 19 Start Mid
210 Original proof of Gödel's completeness theorem 591 19 Start Low
211 Intensional logic 586 18 Start Mid
212 Similarity (philosophy) 581 18 C Mid
213 Cartesian linguistics 578 18 C Low
214 Michael C. Rea 569 18 Stub Low
215 Robert Stalnaker 568 18 C Mid
216 Elliott Sober 566 18 C Mid
217 Stuart Hampshire 559 18 C Low
218 Samuel Alexander 550 17 C Low
219 Polish Positivism 549 17 Start Low
220 Form of life (philosophy) 546 17 Stub Low
221 Paul Draper (philosopher) 508 16 Start Low
222 Arthur Prior 506 16 C Mid
223 Remarks on Colour 504 16 Start Low
224 Quietism 501 16 Disambig NA
225 Dewi Zephaniah Phillips 501 16 Start Low
226 Berlin Circle 492 15 Start Low
227 Robert Audi 490 15 Stub Low
228 The Right and the Good 474 15 B Low
229 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 473 15 Stub Low
230 Michael Friedman (philosopher) 473 15 Start Mid
231 Ruth Barcan Marcus 471 15 C Low
232 Friedrich Waismann 467 15 C Mid
233 Marilyn McCord Adams 467 15 C Low
234 Holism and Evolution 464 14 Start Low
235 Scope (formal semantics) 457 14 C Low
236 Rupert Read 456 14 B Low
237 John Hawthorne 453 14 Stub Mid
238 Irving Copi 445 14 Stub Mid
239 A Defence of Common Sense 439 14 Stub Low
240 Ramsey sentence 439 14 C Low
241 Techno-Optimist Manifesto 438 14 Stub Unknown
242 William L. Rowe 429 13 C Low
243 Stanisław Leśniewski 425 13 C Mid
244 John Passmore 425 13 Start Mid
245 Ted Honderich 422 13 C Low
246 Mark Sainsbury (philosopher) 419 13 Stub Low
247 Peter Ludlow 418 13 Start Low
248 The New Wittgenstein 416 13 Start Low
249 Conceptual engineering 413 13 Start Low
250 Freedom Evolves 411 13 Start Mid
251 Anti-individualism 404 13 Start Low
252 Ideal language philosophy 397 12 Stub Low
253 Charles Stevenson (philosopher) 393 12 Start Mid
254 Thought (essay) 391 12 Stub Low
255 Tyler Burge 380 12 Start Mid
256 Paradox of analysis 374 12 Start Mid
257 Two-dimensionalism 373 12 Start Mid
258 Therapeutic approach 367 11 Stub Low
259 Felicity (pragmatics) 358 11 Start Mid
260 Allan Gibbard 355 11 C Mid
261 Susan Stebbing 353 11 B Low
262 Linguistic film theory 352 11 Stub Low
263 Laurence BonJour 347 11 Start Mid
264 W. W. Bartley III 345 11 C Low
265 Cheryl Misak 344 11 Stub Low
266 Michael Tooley 343 11 Stub Low
267 Philipp Frank 340 10 Start Low
268 John Wisdom 340 10 Start Low
269 Kendall Walton 340 10 C Low
270 Presupposition (philosophy) 340 10 Stub Mid
271 Herbert Feigl 337 10 Start Mid
272 Jacques Bouveresse 333 10 Start Mid
273 Analytic theology 332 10 Start Low
274 Opaque context 326 10 Stub Low
275 A General Theory of Exploitation and Class 325 10 Start Low
276 Sphere-world 323 10 Stub Low
277 Stephan Körner 323 10 C Low
278 Gellish 322 10 C Low
279 Rachael Wiseman 319 10 Start Low
280 Hilary Bok 317 10 Start Low
281 Cognitive synonymy 314 10 Start Low
282 Gustav Bergmann 313 10 Start Mid
283 Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge 312 10 Stub Low
284 Slingshot argument 311 10 Start Low
285 Richard Boyd 309 9 C Low
286 H. H. Price 305 9 C Low
287 J. N. Findlay 305 9 C Low
288 William Frankena 301 9 C Low
289 Invariances 299 9 Start Low
290 A posteriori necessity 283 9 Start Low
291 Oets Kolk Bouwsma 281 9 Start Low
292 Charles Parsons (philosopher) 264 8 Start Mid
293 Contemporary Pragmatism 257 8 Stub Low
294 Hans Sluga 255 8 C Low
295 Susan Hurley 251 8 Stub Low
296 John Foster (philosopher) 251 8 Start Low
297 Meaning postulate 249 8 Stub Low
298 Victor Kraft 249 8 Start Low
299 David Sosa 247 7 Start Low
300 Erkenntnis 247 7 Stub Low
301 Plural quantification 242 7 Start Low
302 Semantics and Pragmatics 242 7 Stub Low
303 Paul W. Franks 239 7 C Low
304 Computational philosophy 239 7 Stub Low
305 Ryle's regress 238 7 Start Low
306 Robert Fogelin 238 7 Start Low
307 Maria Baghramian 234 7 C Low
308 Extensionalism 228 7 Stub Low
309 Zeno Vendler 227 7 C Mid
310 Beetle in a box 227 7 Redirect NA
311 Simon Glendinning 220 7 Start Low
312 Situation semantics 219 7 Start Unknown
313 Kent Bach 217 7 C Mid
314 Doctrine of internal relations 215 6 Start Mid
315 Pre-intuitionism 212 6 Start Mid
316 Brainstorms 212 6 Stub Mid
317 Margaret MacDonald (philosopher) 211 6 C Low
318 Jules Vuillemin 208 6 Start Low
319 Andrew Bowie (philosopher) 208 6 Start Low
320 Common ground (linguistics) 208 6 Start Unknown
321 Timothy Sprigge 206 6 Start Low
322 The Bounds of Sense 206 6 Stub Low
323 Michael Tye (philosopher) 206 6 Start Mid
324 Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins 206 6 Start Low
325 Supervaluationism 205 6 Stub Low
326 Heather Douglas (philosopher) 202 6 Start Mid
327 Analytical feminism 201 6 C Mid
328 My Philosophical Development 199 6 Stub Low
329 Elbow Room (Dennett book) 195 6 Redirect Mid
330 Louise Antony 195 6 Start Low
331 Jessica Wilson 195 6 C Low
332 Keith Lehrer 194 6 Start Mid
333 Richard Aaron 192 6 C Low
334 Universal grinder 191 6 Start Unknown
335 Michael Bergmann (philosopher) 190 6 Start Low
336 Catherine Elgin 182 5 Stub Low
337 Joseph Levine (philosopher) 182 5 Start Mid
338 Stephen Mumford 179 5 C Low
339 Colin McLarty 179 5 Start Low
340 Michael Williams (philosopher) 178 5 Stub Mid
341 Radical translation 174 5 Start Low
342 Michael Devitt 173 5 Start Mid
343 Metaphor in philosophy 172 5 Start Low
344 Pascal Engel 171 5 Stub Low
345 Terence Parsons 170 5 Start Mid
346 Dialectica 169 5 Stub Low
347 Kurt Grelling 163 5 C Low
348 Herman Cappelen 162 5 Start Low
349 Jay Rosenberg 159 5 Start Low
350 Meinongian argument 159 5 C Low
351 Peter Simons (academic) 157 5 Stub Mid
352 Jan Woleński 157 5 C Low
353 François Recanati 157 5 C Mid
354 Peter Lamarque 155 5 Start Low
355 Kevin Mulligan 153 4 Stub Low
356 Jeff Malpas 151 4 Start Low
357 Conversational scoreboard 150 4 Stub Unknown
358 Second Conference on the Epistemology of the Exact Sciences 148 4 Stub Low
359 Radical interpretation 144 4 Stub Low
360 Holophrastic indeterminacy 143 4 Start Low
361 Pancritical rationalism 142 4 Stub Low
362 Conservativity 139 4 Start Low
363 Wolfgang Stegmüller 138 4 Start Mid
364 Knowledge of Language 138 4 Stub Mid
365 Alternative semantics 138 4 Stub Low
366 Neil Tennant (philosopher) 136 4 Stub Low
367 William W. Tait 136 4 Stub Low
368 Gordon Park Baker 134 4 Stub Low
369 M. M. Sharif 134 4 Start Low
370 Adolf Lindenbaum 132 4 Stub Mid
371 William James Lectures 132 4 Start Mid
372 Institute Vienna Circle / Vienna Circle Society 131 4 Stub Low
373 Open texture 131 4 Stub Low
374 Olga Hahn-Neurath 127 4 Stub Low
375 Nicholas Burbules 126 4 Start Low
376 William J. Rapaport 125 4 Start Low
377 Aloysius Martinich 123 3 Start Low
378 Constantine Sandis 121 3 C Low
379 Quantization (linguistics) 119 3 Stub Low
380 Evandro Agazzi 119 3 Start Low
381 David Braine (philosopher) 116 3 Start Low
382 Ruwen Ogien 115 3 Start Low
383 Kenny Easwaran 111 3 Stub Low
384 Pragmatic theory of information 109 3 Stub Low
385 Scott Aikin 109 3 C Low
386 Theodore Drange 106 3 Start Low
387 Olaf Helmer 106 3 Stub Mid
388 Acting under a description 106 3 Start Low
389 Stephen Priest 105 3 C Low
390 Rose Rand 102 3 C Low
391 Louis Mink 102 3 Start Low
392 Stephen Laurence 96 3 Stub Mid
393 Giovanni Ventimiglia 95 3 Start Low
394 Michael G. F. Martin 94 3 Stub Low
395 Exhaustivity 94 3 Stub Mid
396 Warrant and Proper Function 93 3 Start Low
397 Christopher S. Hill 92 2 Stub Low
398 Lewis's triviality result 91 2 Start Low
399 Harvey R. Brown 90 2 Stub Low
400 Journal of Speculative Philosophy 90 2 Stub Low
401 Responsive predicate 88 2 Stub Low
402 Þorsteinn Gylfason 87 2 Start Low
403 Richard Fumerton 86 2 C Low
404 Hasna Begum 84 2 C Low
405 Lorenzo Peña 80 2 C Low
406 Austin Dacey 78 2 C Low
407 International Wittgenstein Symposium 78 2 Start Low
408 Existential closure 76 2 Stub Low
409 Pieranna Garavaso 75 2 Stub Low
410 John Hadley (philosopher) 73 2 GA Low
411 Mark Addis 72 2 Stub Low
412 Hannes Leitgeb 72 2 Stub Low
413 Faultless disagreement 72 2 Start Low
414 Kurt Gödel Society 69 2 Stub Low
415 William Herbert Dray 69 2 Stub Low
416 Arda Denkel 68 2 Stub Low
417 Troy Jollimore 68 2 Start Low
418 Natural Language Semantics 66 2 C Low
419 Yemima Ben-Menahem 66 2 C Low
420 Bill Brewer 65 2 Stub Low
421 Pragmatic constructivism 65 2 Start Low
422 Avrum Stroll 64 2 Stub Low
423 Philosophical Essays on Freud 64 2 GA Low
424 Quantificational variability effect 62 2 Stub Low
425 C. J. F. Williams 62 2 Start Low
426 Modal subordination 62 2 Start Low
427 James Hall (philosopher) 61 1 Stub Low
428 The Roots of Reference 58 1 Stub Low
429 Giovanni Vailati 57 1 C Low
430 J. Hunter Guthrie 57 1 GA Low
431 Trouser-word 57 1 Stub Low
432 Mark Sacks 56 1 Stub Low
433 Wayne Davis (philosopher) 53 1 Stub Low
434 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer 51 1 Stub Low
435 Grigori Mints 51 1 Start Low
436 Index of analytic philosophy articles 49 1 List Low
437 Dawes Hicks 49 1 C Low
438 Michel Seymour 48 1 C Low
439 W. D. Hart 47 1 Stub Low
440 Hurford disjunction 47 1 Start Low
441 Richard von Schubert-Soldern 43 1 Stub Low
442 Epistemic minimalism 42 1 Stub Low
443 James Garson 41 1 Stub Low
444 Everett Hall 39 1 C Low
445 Helen Knight 39 1 Start Low
446 Robert Stainton 38 1 Stub Low
447 Journal of Semantics 37 1 Stub Low
448 Paul Häberlin 36 1 Stub Low
449 Erkenntnis und wissenschaftliches Verhalten 36 1 Stub Low
450 Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 36 1 Start Low
451 Reidar Lie 35 1 Start Low
452 Paul Gochet 33 1 Start Low
453 Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 33 1 Stub Low
454 Robert Brisart 33 1 Stub Low
455 Alisa Bokulich 32 1 Start Low
456 Kraft Circle 31 1 Stub Low
457 David Liggins 30 0 Stub Low
458 UCLA Department of Philosophy 29 0 Redirect NA
459 Elsie Whetnall 29 0 Start Low
460 Academia Analitica 28 0 Stub Low
461 Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw 27 0 Start Low
462 Karl-Georg Niebergall 27 0 Start Low
463 Robert C. May 27 0 Stub Mid
464 David Blitz 26 0 Stub Low
465 Bertrand Russell Society 26 0 Redirect Low
466 Constructional system 25 0 Stub Low
467 Tore Nordenstam 24 0 Stub Low
468 Contrast theory of meaning 22 0 Redirect NA
469 European Society for Analytic Philosophy 22 0 Stub Low
470 Krista Lawlor 22 0 Stub Low
471 Grazer Philosophische Studien 21 0 Stub Low
472 Anglo-American philosophy 18 0 Redirect NA
473 Eternal statement 18 0 Stub Mid
474 Carnap Papers 17 0 Start Mid
475 Organon F 15 0 Stub Low
476 Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 15 0 Stub Low
477 Linguistic Realities 15 0 Stub Low
478 Henri Lauener 13 0 Stub Low
479 History of Early Analytic Philosophy Society 12 0 Stub Low
480 Heidegger on Concepts, Freedom and Normativity 12 0 Stub Low
481 Sorites (journal) 8 0 Stub Low