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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Kennebec Central Railroad

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The railroad of Kennebec Central Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a 2-foot narrow-gauge steam railroad, 5.081 miles in length, extending from Randolph to National Soldiers Home, all in the State of Maine. The main line is 5.081 miles in length and the yard tracks and sidings 0.719 mile in length, making a total of all tracks of 5.800 miles. There are no branch lines owned or operated.

Corporate history.—The carrier was incorporated on September 12, 1889, under the general laws of Maine, and its organization was perfected on October 3, 1889. The property was acquired by construction which was begun in October, 1889, by Michael O'Neill, under contract. In January, 1890, the carrier took over the work and completed the road with its own forces. The road was opened for operation on July 23, 1890. The principal office of the carrier is at Randolph, Me.

History of corporate financing, capital stock, and long-term debt.—