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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Susquehanna and New York Railroad

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The railroad of the Susquehanna and New York Railroad Company, herein called the carrier, is a single-track, standard-gauge, steam railroad, located in northeastern Pennsylvania. The main line extends southwesterly from Towanda to Marsh Hill Junction, 43.255 miles, a branch line extends from a connection with the main line at Ralston Junction to Ralston, and certain isolated tracks and shop facilities are located at West Williamsport. The carrier owns 46.475 miles of main track and 22.258 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 68.733 miles of all tracks owned and used. The carrier has trackage rights over the road of the Elmira and Williamsport Railroad Company (Pennsylvania Railroad Company, lessee) from Marsh Hill Junction to West Williamsport, Pa., 21.58 miles, which affords a connecting link in reaching its isolated property at West Williamsport.

[...] total six corporations of which two underwent a change of name, [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1 Susquehanna and New York Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, through articles of consolidation, dated May 26, 1903, filed May 26, 1903.
2 Grays Run Railway Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Jan. 2, 1903. Consolidated May 26, 1903, with 3 to form 1.
3 Susquehanna and New York Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, through articles of consolidation, dated May 24, 1902, filed May 27, 1902. Consolidated May 26, 1903, with 2 to form 1.
4 Binghamton, Towanda & Western Railway Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Jan. 27, 1902. Consolidated May 27, 1902, with 5 to form 3.
5 The Barclay Railroad Company. See 6. Consolidated May 27, 1902, with 4 to form 3.
6 The Barclay Coal Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, July 3, 1862. Name changed to 5 on Sept. 21, 1891.
7 The Barclay Railroad and Coal Company. See 8. Sold at foreclosure Mar. 16, 1862 and reorganized July 3, 1862, as 6.
8 The Towanda and Franklin Railroad Company. Under special act of Pennsylvania, Apr. 9, 1853. Name changed to 7 on Apr. 3, 1854.