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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/West Virginia Northern Railroad

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The railroad of the West Virginia Northern Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, located in the State of West Virginia. The owned main line extends northwardly from Tunnelton to Kingwood, W. Va., a distance of 11.067 miles. The carrier also owns and uses 1.716 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 12.772 miles of all tracks owned.

This company was incorporated May 8, 1888, under the general laws of the State of West Virginia, as the Tunnelton, Kingwood and Fairchance Railroad Company. The name was changed to West Virginia Northern Railroad Company on May 8, 1899. It was incorporated as a reorganization of the Kingwood Railway Company, which had been incorporated January 12, 1882, under the general laws of West Virginia. The property of the Kingwood Railway Company had been sold after foreclosure to individuals who transferred title to the carrier about May 8, 1888.


The owned mileage of the carrier was acquired in the reorganization of May 8, 1888, from the Kingwood Railway Company. The property so acquired had been constructed by the latter company, but the details of this construction have not been obtained. The railroad was narrow gauge when acquired by the carrier, but it has been changed to standard gauge since the date of acquisition.