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Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Tree of Life/Articles without images

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This is the perl script that I used to create the list.

#!perl -w

open IN, "bzcat ../../20051211_pages_articles.xml.bz2 |" or die $!;

my %ns;
my $header = <IN>;
while ($header =~ m#<namespace key=".{1,3}">(.*?)</namespace>#g) {
    $ns{$1} = 1;

while (<IN>) {
    my ($tit) = m#<title>(.*)</title>#;
    next if $tit =~ /^(.+?):/ and $ns{$1};

    if (/#REDIRECT\s*\[\[(.*)]]/) {
    next if not /{{\s*Taxobox/i;
    s/<!--.*?-->/ /sg;   # replace angle brackets by html entities!
    next if /\[\[[iI]mage/ or /Taxobox image/i or /\|\s*image\s*=/;

    my @taxo;
    if (/[^a-z]regnum[^a-z][^'\n]+\[\[(.*)]](\w*)/) {
        push @taxo, $1.$2;
    if (/[^a-z]classis[^a-z][^'\n]+\[\[(.*)]](\w*)/) {
        push @taxo, $1.$2;
    if (/[^a-z]ordo[^a-z][^'\n]+\[\[(.*)]](\w*)/) {
        push @taxo, $1.$2;
    if (/[^a-z]familia[^a-z][^'\n]+\[\[(.*)]](\w*)/) {
        push @taxo, $1.$2;
    s/.*\|// for @taxo;

    print "* ", join ' - ', @taxo, "[\[$tit]]\n";

Going down the lists


I finished going through the mammals list today, adding images and deleting old entries that have images. Next project: Plants. Bob the Wikipedian (talk) 20:29, 19 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]